List of Boxes viiList of Tables ixList of Figures xPreface xiAcknowledgments xix1 Theoretical Framework - The Social Construction of Conflict 1Unit One Listen 192 Challenges to Effective Listening 213 Listening as Reflective Practice 37Unit Two Engage 554 Obstacles to Engaging Conflict 575 Changing the Rules of Engagement 81Unit Three Acknowledge 1076 The Importance of Belonging and Recognition 1097 Acknowledging Team Member Contributions 128Unit Four Rapport (Building) 1498 Building Relationships and Trust 1519 Building an Organizational Culture of Forgiveness 175Unit Five Nurture 19310 Nurturing through Organizational Conflict Management Systems 19511 Nurturing Relationships through Online Dispute Resolution, Information and Communication Technologies, and Social Media 21112 LEARNing to Communicate for Constructive Workplace Conflict 241Index 259
JESSICA KATZ JAMESON is Professor and Head of the Department of Communication at North Carolina State University, where she serves as a mediator for the University's employee mediation program and teaches courses in organizational communication, public relations, conflict management, and nonprofit leadership. She has published articles in journals such as Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, Negotiation Journal, and Western Journal of Communication, and is the co-editor of Facilitating Interdisciplinary Collaboration among the Intelligence Community, Academy, and Industry; and Contemporary Trends in Conflict and Communication: Technology and Social Media.