ISBN-13: 9783540780830 / Angielski / Miękka / 2001 / 219 str.
ISBN-13: 9783540780830 / Angielski / Miękka / 2001 / 219 str.
Section I Obstetrics.- 1 Obstetric Statistics.- Birth Rate.- Maternal Mortality.- Fetal, Neonatal and Postneonatal Mortality.- 2 Diagnosis of Pregnancy and Assessment of Gestational Age.- Diagnosis of Pregnancy.- Assessment of Gestational Age.- Hyperemesis Gravidarum.- 3 Antenatal Care.- Tests of Fetal Well-being.- 4 Miscarriage.- Causes of Miscarriage.- Threatened Miscarriage.- Inevitable and Incomplete Miscarriage.- Missed Miscarriage.- Cervical Incompetence.- Congenital Anomalies of the Uterus.- Recurrent Miscarriage.- Septic Miscarriage.- Induced Abortion.- 5 Ectopic Pregnancy.- Causes of Ectopic Pregnancy.- Clinical Features of Ectopic Pregnancy.- Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy.- Abdominal Pregnancy.- 6 Gestational Trophoblastic Tumours.- Hydatidiform Mole.- Choriocarcinoma.- 7 Congenital Abnormalities.- Genetic Defects.- Environmentally Induced Abnormalities.- Multisystem Abnormalities.- Screening for Congenital Abnormalities.- 8 Rhesus Disease.- Diagnosis.- Management.- Prognosis.- 9 Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy.- Classification.- Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension.- Gestational Hypertension.- Pre-eclampsia.- Eclampsia.- Management of Fluid Retention in Pregnancy.- Prognosis of Hypertensive Disease in Pregnancy.- 10 Antepartum Haemorrhage.- Abruptio Placentae.- Placenta Praevia.- “Indeterminate” APH.- Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC).- 11 Disorders Involving Amniotic Fluid.- Hydramnios.- Oligohydramnios.- Amniotic Fluid Embolism.- Intra-amniotic Infection.- 12 Premature Labour.- Management.- Outcome.- Perinatal Mortality and Morbidity.- Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes.- 13 Multiple Pregnancy.- Mechanisms of Twinning.- Complications of Multiple Pregnancy.- Antenatal Management of Twins.- Management of Labour.- 14 Maternal Diseases in Pregnancy.- Cardiovascular Disease.- Respiratory System.- Neurological Disease.- Genitourinary Disease.- Musculoskeletal Disease.- Gastrointestinal Disease.- Endocrine Diseases.- Acute Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy.- Malignant Disease.- Skin Disease.- Haematological Disorders.- Haematological Malignancies.- 15 Normal Labour.- Mechanisms and Course of Labour.- Normal Delivery.- Induction of Labour.- Analgesia.- 16 Abnormal Labour.- Prolonged Labour.- Abnormal Presentation.- Monitoring of Fetal Well-being During Labour.- Delay in Second Stage.- Prolapse of the Cord.- Ruptured Uterus.- Impacted Shoulders.- 17 The Puerperium.- Postpartum Haemorrhage.- Infection.- Other Urinary Tract Problems.- Psychiatric Disorders.- Thromboembolism.- Breast Feeding and Breast Problems.- 18 The Neonate.- Examination of the Newborn.- Asphyxia.- Resuscitation of the Newborn.- Specific Problems of the Neonate.- 19 Obstetric Operations.- Amniocentesis.- Chorionic Villus Sampling.- Fetoscopy and Cordocentesis.- Termination of Pregnancy.- Sterilisation.- Cervical Suture.- Version for Breech Presentation.- Caesarean Section.- Forceps Delivery.- Ventouse Delivery.- Episiotomy and Repair (Including Tears).- Manual Removal of Placenta.- Section II Gynaecology.- 20 Menstrual Disorders.- Puberty.- Menorrhagia.- Mechanisms of Menstruation.- Primary Amenorrhoea.- Secondary Amenorrhoea.- Premature Menopause.- Dysmenorrhoea.- The Premenstrual Syndrome.- Dyspareunia.- 21 Menopause.- Stages of the Climacteric.- Postmenopausal Endocrinology.- Anatomical Changes in the Climacteric.- Pathology of the Climacteric.- Clinical Features.- Types of HRT and its Side-Effects.- Postmenopausal Bleeding.- 22 Virilism and Hirsutism.- Virilism.- Hirsutism.- 23 Genital Infections.- Infections and Related Conditions of the Vulva.- Vaginal Infections.- Cervicitis.- Pelvic Infections.- Other Infections.- Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.- Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Non-genital).- 24 Benign and Malignant Lesions of the Vulva.- Benign Tumours of the Vulva.- Other Benign Vulval Swellings.- Vulval Dystrophies.- Premalignant Conditions of the Vulva.- Carcinoma of the Vulva.- Rare Malignant Tumours of the Vulva.- 25 Benign and Malignant Lesions of the Vagina.- Benign Tumours of the Vagina.- Carcinoma of the Vagina.- 26 Benign and Malignant Lesions of the Cervix.- Benign Tumours of the Cervix.- Carcinoma-in-situ of the Cervix.- Microinvasive Carcinoma.- Carcinoma of the Cervix.- Carcinoma of the Cervix in Pregnancy.- 27 Benign and Malignant Lesions of the Endometrium.- Benign Tumours of the Endometrium.- Carcinoma of the Endometrium.- 28 Benign and Malignant Tumours of the Myometrium.- Benign Tumours of the Myometrium: Fibroids.- Fibroids During Pregnancy.- Metastasising Fibroids.- Malignant Non-epithelial Tumours of the Uterus.- 29 Tumours of the Ovary.- Benign Tumours of the Ovary.- Special Tumours of the Ovary.- Malignant Epithelial Tumours of the Ovary.- 30 Infertility.- Aetiology.- Management.- 31 Contraception.- Natural Family Planning.- Barrier Methods.- The Intrauterine Contraceptive Device.- Hormonal Contraception.- 32 Genitourinary Tract Disorders.- Urodynamic Investigations.- Stress Incontinence.- Detrusor Instability.- Retention of Urine.- Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).- Fistulae.- Prolapse.- 33 Endometriosis and Adenomyosis.- Endometriosis.- Adenomyosis.- 34 Congenital Uterine and Vaginal Abnormalities.- 35 Gynaecological Operations.- Vulvectomy.- Vaginal Repair.- Colposcopy and Cervical Operations.- Dilatation and Curettage.- Hysterectomy.- Tubal Surgery.- Ovarian Surgery.- Laparoscopy.- Hysteroscopy.- Pre- and Postoperative Care.
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