List of Contributors xiIntroduction 11 What is Clinical Imaging Physics? 3Ehsan SameiPart I Radiography 152 Clinical Radiography Physics: Perspective 17Ehsan Samei3 Clinical Radiography Physics: State of Practice 23David Gauntt4 Clinical Radiography Physics: Emerging Practice 35Jered WellsPart II Mammography 775 Clinical Mammography Physics: Perspective 79Douglas E. Pfeiffer6 Clinical Mammography Physics: State of Practice 89Melissa Martin and Eric Berns7 Clinical Mammography Physics: Emerging Practice 107Andrew Karellas and Srinivasan VedanthamPart III Fluoroscopy 1238 Clinical Fluoroscopy Physics: Perspective 125Ehsan Samei9 Clinical Fluoroscopy Physics: State of Practice 129Beth A. Schueler and Keith J. Strauss10 Clinical Fluoroscopy Physics: Emerging Practice 145Keith J. Strauss and Beth A. SchuelerPart IV Computed Tomography 16911 Clinical CT Physics: Perspective 171Douglas E. Pfeiffer and Mahadevappa Mahesh12 Clinical CT Physics: State of Practice 175Douglas E. Pfeiffer13 Clinical CT Physics: Emerging Practice 193Ehsan Samei and Joshua WilsonPart V Nuclear Imaging 21114 Clinical Nuclear Imaging Physics: Perspective 213Douglas E. Pfeiffer15 Clinical Nuclear Imaging Physics: Current and Emerging Practice 223Jeffrey Nelson and Steven MannPart VI Ultrasonography 24916 Clinical Ultrasonography Physics: Perspective 251Paul Carson, Nicholas J. Hangiandreou, and Zheng Feng Lu17 Clinical Ultrasonography Physics: State of Practice 261Zheng Feng Lu, Nicholas J. Hangiandreou, and Paul Carson18 Clinical Ultrasonography Physics: Emerging Practice 287Nicholas J. Hangiandreou, Paul Carson, and Zheng Feng LuPart VII Magnetic Resonance Imaging 30319 Clinical MRI Physics: Perspective 305Douglas E. Pfeiffer20 Clinical MRI Physics: State of Practice 317Ronald Price21 Clinical MRI Physics: Emerging Practice 339David PickensPart VIII Imaging Informatics 36322 Clinical Physics in IT: Perspective 365Ehsan Samei23 Clinical Physics in Informatics Display: Current and Emerging Practice 373Michael Flynn24 Clinical Physics in Imaging Informatics: Current and Emerging Practice 413Donald PeckAbbreviations 429Index 431
EHSAN SAMEI, PhD, is Professor of Radiology, Medical Physics, Physics, Biomedical Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC, USA.DOUGLAS E. PFEIFFER, MS, is Medical Physicist and Radiation Safety Officer at Boulder Community Health, Boulder, CO, USA.