Foreword ixPreface xiAcknowledgments xiiiList of Contributors xvList of Abbreviations xviiAbout the Companion Website xixIntroduction to endodontic retreatment 1Sanjay Miglani, Fugen Dagli Comert, Swadheena Patro, and Viresh Chopra1 Clinical Case 1: Perforation repair: A case of repair of pulpal floor perforation caused by excessive cutting of the floor of the pulp chamber 5Mohammad Hammo2 Clinical Case 2: Instrument separation: A case of surgical removal of a fractured instrument 10Abhinay Agarwal3 Clinical Case 3: A case of retreatment of Tooth 16: Bypass of ledges and broken instrument 17Garima Poddar4 Clinical Case 4: Instrument retrieval: A case of fractured instrument at the apical third of the mandibular molar 23Jojo Kottoor5 Clinical Case 5: Perforation repair with instrument retrieval: Management of multiple endodontic mishaps 32Padmanabh Jha6 Clinical Case 6: Management of strip perforation and fractured instrument 38Zaher Al Taqi7 Clinical Case 7: Management of root canal treatment failure case with missed lateral canal anatomy and inadequate obturation 45Antonis Chaniotis8 Clinical Case 8: Management of a case with faulty cast post and asymptomatic lateral periodontitis 51Antonis Chaniotis9 Clinical Case 9: Management of a case with endo-perio lesion following a previous root canal treatment 58Antonis Chaniotis10 Clinical Case 10: Management of a failed root canal treatment with silver cone obturation and fractured instrument 64Antonis Chaniotis11 Clinical Case 11: Management of a failed root canal treated maxillary molar with selective root treatment 69Gergely Benyöcs12 Clinical Case 12: Guided endodontics and its application for non-surgical retreatments: Retreatment of a maxillary anterior tooth using static guidance 79Gergely Benyöcs13 Clinical Case 13: Management of pulpal floor perforation with periapical lesion in the mesial root 99Zaher Al Taqi14 Clinical Case 14: Management of root canal treatment failure with missed canal anatomy and inadequate obturation 108Eugen Buga15 Clinical Case 15: Management of root canal treatment failure with inadequate obturation, hidden fractured instrument and ledge formation in a severely curved mandibular molar 114Eugen Buga16 Clinical Case 16: Management of root canal treatment with an instrument fracture in a mandibular molar 121Viresh Chopra17 Clinical Case 17: Management of a mandibular molar with fractured instrument extending in the periapical area 128Zaher Al Taqi18 Clinical Case 18: Management of root canal treatment failure with inadequate obturation and apically calcified canals 134Viresh Chopra19 Clinical Case 19: Management of root canal treatment failure with inadequate obturation and missed canals 140Viresh Chopra20 Clinical Case 20: Management of root canal treatment failure with inadequate obturation, unusual distal root anatomy and suspected ledge formation in a mandibular molar 147Eugen Buga21 Clinical Case 21: Management of root canal treatment failure with inadequate obturation and faulty post placement 154Viresh Chopra22 Clinical Case 22: Management of root canal treatment failure with inadequate obturation, multiple perforations, fractured instrument and ledge formation in maxillary right first molar 161Viresh Chopra23 Clinical Case 23: Management of root canal treatment failure with inadequate obturation, fractured instrument and periapical lesion in mandibular left first molar 172Viresh Chopra24 Clinical Case 24: Retreatment of Tooth 21 180Garima Poddar25 Nonsurgical versus surgical retreatment: Decision making 187Meetu Ralli Kohli and Bekir KarabucakIndex 201
About the EditorViresh Chopra is a Course Leader of Endodontology and Senior Lecturer of Adult Restorative Dentistry, at Oman Dental College, Muscat, Oman; and a PhD student at Queen Mary University, London, UK.