2. The climate-security contradiction: accelerating securitization under disputed evidence
3. Nexus formation, knowledge and international relations
4. Understanding knowledge and climate-conflict links with a sociology of translations
5. Darfur: the first “climate war”?
6. Syria: did climate change “open the gates of hell”?
7. Comparing the two climate wars
8. Knowledge and the making of climate-conflict links
9. Finding a balance between knowledge and narratives
Matti Goldberg has worked for 14 years at the UN climate change secretariat, supporting the efforts of governments to develop landmark climate policy instruments, such as the Paris Agreement. He currently works as an independent climate policy consultant. He holds a master’s degree from the University of Munich. In October 2022, he defended his PhD thesis on the role of knowledge in linking climate change and conflicts at the Technical University of Darmstadt.