Contents: Roland Schuhmann: The King's Speech in the Finnsburg Fragment - Sebastian I. Sobecki: That Dizzy Height of Wisdom: Augustinian Vision and Kynde's Mountain in Piers Plowman B XI - Franziska Scheitzeneder: «For myn entente nys but for to pleye». On the Playground with the Wife of Bath, the Clerk of Oxford and Jacques Derrida - Nicole Nyffenegger-Staub: Subjectivity and Crisis in Fourteenth-Century English Historical Writing - Kathrin Prietzel: Treachery and Betrayal in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: The Incident of 1051 - Thomas Honegger: Romancing the Form: Alliterative Metre and William of Palerne - Winfried Rudolf: Seven Diverse Loans in Middle English Alliterative Poetry - A Preliminary Study - Maik Goth: «Infinite Shapes of Thinges»: Monsters and the Monstrous in Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene - Robert Mailhammer: The Typological Significance of Ablaut in the Prehistory of English - Svenja Kranich: Some Problems Connected with the Analysis of Gerunds with Direct Objects in Middle English.
The Editors: Winfried Rudolf is lecturer at the Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Thomas Honegger is Professor for Medieval English Language and Literature at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Andrew James Johnston is Professor for Medieval and Renaissance English Literature at the Freie Universität Berlin.