1. Introduction2. Commercial fresh citrus cultivars and producing countries3. Postharvest losses4. Pre-harvest factors affecting fruit quality and postharvest life5. Fruit morphology, anatomy and physiology6. Fruit Biochemistry7. Growth, maturity, grade standards and physico-mechanical characteristics of fruit8. Harvesting9. Preparation for fresh fruit market10. Packaging11. Storage systems and response of citrus fruits12. Transportation13. Marketing and distribution14. Irradiation15. Postharvest diseases and their management16. Alternative post-harvest disease management practices17. Physiological disorders and their management18. Post-harvest treatment for insect control19. Fruit quality control, evaluation and analysis20. Nutritive and Medicinal value of Citrus fruits21. Biotechnological applications22. World fresh citrus trade and quarantine issues23. Impact of climate change and Covid -19 pandemic on citrus fruit industry
Dr. Ladaniya has worked at ARS at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru and the National Research Centre for Citrus (NRCC), Nagpur. During his tenure as the Director, NRCC was upgraded by the ICAR to the level of Central Citrus Research Institute. He has made outstanding contributions in developing post-harvest protocols for fresh citrus fruits and has laid a foundation of systematic post-harvest research on citrus fruits. His efforts led to development of quality standards for citrus and most of his technologies find place in package of practices published by APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Products Export Development Authority of India, Ministry of Commerce, India) for Nagpur mandarin. He is the President of the Indian Society of Citriculture and was also a crop (Citrus) Co-ordinator in All India Co-ordinated Research Project for Fruits. A new Regional Research Centre for Citrus (RRCC) has been started at Biswanath Chariali, Assam by CCRI under his stewardship.