1. Introduction and the Concept of Circular Economy 2. Circular Fashion 3. Tools for circular economy: review and some potential applications for the Philippine textile industry 4. 3R's and Circular Economy 5. Upcycled and low-cost sustainable business for value-added textiles and fashion 6. Circular economy: a necessary (r)evolution 7. Sustainable Business Strategies and Circular Economy 8. Systems and models for circular economy 9. Circular economy in textiles and fashion - the role of a consumer 10. Future for Circular Economy
Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu is the Director & Head of Sustainability for SgT & API (Hong Kong), and a Director of the Textile and Bioengineering Informatics Society (TBIS), a charity created to develop and promote the bioengineering of materials, fibers and textiles. Well-known for his contributions in the field, his extensive academic and industrial experience has led to over 85 books and more than 100 research publications.