ISBN-13: 9781541100473 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 54 str.
How To Ensure That Your Christian Marriage Is Built Upon God's Word Within this book, I used the analogy of marriage as a dance, with God as the Master Choreographer. God is the original creator and inventor of marriage so He is the one who knows and teaches His children the intricate steps of the magnificent marriage dance. Each chapter of the book covers a particular aspect of married life, explaining what the Bible has to say about that aspect and how it can be applied within marriages today.
The topics start off with the basic step of having a relationship with God. This is the strong foundation on which everything else is built. From there it goes on to incorporating prayer and Bible reading into your marriage. When you make a regular habit of reading God's word and joining hands together in prayer, you will find that your spiritual intimacy will grow. We then discuss finding the rhythm of effective communication and learning to resolve conflicts. The all important topic of how to handle finances is also tackled, along with a section on intimacy and romance. Being that a marriage between two people who love God and love each other is the ideal setting in which to raise a healthy family, the topic of children could not be overlooked. Household duties and chores, and the challenges of balancing marriage and a career are also topics within this book. And lastly, we cover the joy of blessing others as every Christian is blessed in order to be a blessing to others.
At the end of each chapter there are a few questions for reflection which will help you to process and digest the points that have been discussed. Throughout the book, numerous Bible verses are quoted or referred to and you are encouraged to have your Bible at hand to look up the relevant passages and discover God's truth for themselves.
Every married couple wants to be happy. As they exchange their vows on their wedding day, their minds and hearts are filled with thoughts, dreams and expectations of a happily-ever-after future. This is good and right, but what few anticipate is that it will require a large amount of perseverance and determination on the part of each spouse. A happy marriage is not going to happen automatically or easily. Right priorities need to be carefully set and meticulously maintained. And both spouses will need to be fully committed. After all, it takes two to tango, and in the context of a Christian marriage it is a dance for three, as Jesus stretches out His arms, inviting each spouse to take His hand and learn the joyful, ordered steps of the magnificent marriage dance.