Chapter 2 Reviews the process of industrialization in China
1.Industrialization Process of New China Before the Reform and Opening-up Policy
2.Industrialization Process After the Reform and Opening-up Policy
3.Achievements of Chinese Industrialization
4.Basic Experience of Chinese Industrialization
Chapter 3 The Assessment of Industrialization Process in China
1.Explanations of Method Used to Assess Industrialization Level
2. Single-item Assessment of Chinese Industrialization
3. Comprehensive Assessment of Chinese Industrialization
Chapter 4 Analysis of Characters of Chinese Industrialization
1.The Speed of Chinese Industrialization
2.The Characters of Regions in Chinese Industrialization Process
3.The Characters of Motivation in Chinese Industrialization Process
Chapter 5 The Prospect of Chinese Industrialization
1.The Risk and Trend Variation in the Later Stage of Chinese Industrialization
2.The Choice of Strategies in the Process that Thoroughly Promotes Industrialization in China
3.The Industrial Development in 13th Five Year Plan
Qunhui Huang is the director general of the Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Science, and also a senior research fellow and Ph.D. in Management. He is the editor-in-chief of the “Journal of China Industrial Economics” and the “Journal of Economics & Management”; vice president and secretary general of the Chinese Institute of Business Management. His fields of specialization include industrial economics and enterprise reforms. He is the winner of the 12th Sun Yefang Prize in Economic Sciences and the 3rd Award of the Jiang Yiwei Academic Foundation for Enterprise Reform and Development.
Based on long-term research, this book comprehensively and systematically discusses the industrialization process in China, analyzing the level, characteristics, achievements and experiences as well as the problems faced. It also provides answers to important questions related to economic development and the industrialization process in China, such as what level of industrialization China has achieved and whether China can become an industrialized country. Lastly, it offers an explanation of China's economic development from the perspective of industrialization.