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Rising nationalism in contemporary China has attracted a lot of scholarly and media attention in recent decades. As China rapidly enters the digital age, and as the number of its internet users increases exponentially, this book contributes to the growing literature on Chinese nationalism by focusing on the complicated interactions between nationalism developed and transformed by various political and social actors in digital spheres and nationalism on the ground. In
some ways, this book builds on the already familiar thesis of nations as imagined communities, but through the new lens of digital networks enabled by the internet and information technologies. Its in-depth analysis provides a valuable perspective on the fascinating metamorphosis of Chinese
nationalism in the digital age and its broad implications for communication governance under authoritarianism.
Florian Schneider is University Lecturer for the Politics of Modern China at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. He is also managing editor of the journal Asiascape: Digital Asia, and the author of Visual Political Communication in Popular Chinese Television Series (Brill 2013). His research interests include questions of governance, political communication, digital media, and international relations in the East-Asian