Foreword- Paul Howard retired Detective Inspector Norfolk Constabulary Preface Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter 1- Becoming a family: mothers, babies and fathers Chapter 2- Supporting parents and parenting Chapter 3- When to trigger child protection procedures and what happens following a referral Chapter 4- The child protection conference Chapter 5- The child protection register Chapter 6- Serious case reviews Chapter 7- Roles and responsibilities of different agencies Chapter 8- The legislative framework Finally - The rights of children as laid down by the UN Convention Appendices- Useful Contacts
Formerly a community midwife and a midwifery sister in an acute maternity unit, until 1995 she worked as an independent midwife and recently facilitated the setting up on an NHS integrated midwifery team. She has spent 10 years working on a local child protection team and regularly has articles published about child protection in the nursing and midwifery journals.