1. INTRODUCTION 2. RURAL COMMUNITIES UNDER CHANGE: DEVELOPMENT OR DISINTEGRATION? 2.1 An idealised pre-oil village community 2.2 Oil-induced change 3. THE KHABURA PROJECT: DESIGN 3.1 Guiding concepts 3.2 Elements of the farm and craft-industrial system 4. THE KHABURA PROJECT: FIELD TRIALS, DEMONSTRATIONS AND TRAINING 4.1 Goats and sheep 4.2 Training paravets 4.3 Dairying 4.4 Spinning and weaving 4.5 Composting dung 4.6 Soils and tillage 4.7 Forage crops 4.8 Irrigation systems 4.9 A rural enterprise: fibre-reinforced-cement channels 4.10 Sheep and goat pens 4.11 Locally made tools and equipment 4.12 Economic analysis of the Project's small-fann system 4.13 Extension and training 4.14 Towards a new rural production system? 5. FROM A SUB-REGIONAL TO A NATIONAL PROGRAMME 5.1 Integrating with government 5.2 Wadi Quriyat Animal Breeding and Applied Research Centre 5.3 The Goat Multiplication and Development Project 5.4 A national programme but too narrow a vision 6. PROSPECT AND RETROSPECT 6.1 Prospect: integration through a Rural Development Centre 6.2 Retrospect: evaluating the experience.