Chapter 4 Employees and Change Management in Nonprofits
Chapter 5 Volunteers and Change Management
Chapter 6 Change and board governance
Chapter 7 Social Enterprise as Change
Chapter 8 Change Diagnosis in Nonprofits
Chapter 9 Implementing Change in Nonprofits
Chapter 10 Evaluating Change
Chapter 11 Strategic Change at A-Way Express Courier
Kunle Akingbola is Associate Professor of Human Resources Management & Organizational Behaviour in the Faculty of Business Administration at Lakehead University, Canada.
Sean Edmund Rogers is the Spachman Professor of Human Resources and Labor Relations in the Schmidt Labor Research Center, College of Business, University of Rhode Island, USA.
Alina Baluch is Senior Lecturer in Management at the University of St Andrews and Associate Director of the Centre for the Study of Philanthropy & Public Good.
Nonprofit organizations are arguably in a perpetual state of change. Nonprofits must constantly scan, analyze, and adapt to the implications of the changing needs of clients, the community, funders, and government policy. Hence, the core competencies and capabilities of nonprofits must include how to effectively manage change. The knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees, volunteers, and managers must include the competencies required to formulate and implement strategies to manage planned and unplanned change. This book brings to the forefront the challenges and opportunities of change by combining insights from practice, research, and theories of change management to examine nonprofits. It incorporates interdisciplinary perspectives to examine the dimensions, determinants, and outcomes of change in nonprofits. It offers managers, researchers, and students case examples on how to develop, implement, and manage change in the context of nonprofits. Readers will better understand the dimensions of change that are unique to nonprofits and how these should be integrated into strategy and day-to-day operations, including reflection for both the change agent and the change recipient.