Preface David Caballero, Subhas C Kundu and Rui L Reis
Section 1: Decellularization and characterization methods
1.A step-by-step protocol for generating human fibroblast cell-derived completely biological extracellular matrix scaffolds Dhavan Sharma, Morgan Ferguson and Feng Zhao
2.Preparation of osteogenic matrices from cultured cells Carl A. Gregory, Eoin McNeill and Simin Pan
3.Decellularized hASCs-derived matrices as biomaterials for 3D in vitro approaches Fátima Raquel Maia, Rui Luís Reis and Joaquim Miguel Oiveira
4.Characterization of the elastic properties of extracellular matrix models by atomic force microscopy J. Otero, D. Navajas and J. Alcaraz
5.Glycosaminoglycan disaccharide compositional analysis of cell-derived extracellular matrices using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry João C. Silva, Marta S. Carvalho, Ke Xia, Joaquim M. S. Cabral, Claúdia L. da Silva, Frederico C. Ferreira, Deepak Vashishth and Robert J. Linhardt
Section 2: Engineering cell-derived matrices with advanced characteristics
6.Engineering clinically-relevant human fibroblastic cell-derived extracellular matrices Janusz Franco-Barraza, Kristopher S. Raghavan, Tiffany Luong and Edna Cukierman
7.Engineering cell-derived matrices with controlled 3D architectures for pathophysiological studies Enrico Almici, David Caballero, Joan Montero Boronat and Josep Samitier Martí
8.Generation of fluorescent cell-derived-matrix to study 3D cell migration Amélie Luise Godeau, Hélène Delanoë-Ayari and Daniel Riveline
9.Re-engineered cell-derived extracellular matrix as a new approach to clarify the role of native ECM Insung Yong, Seung Won Oh and Pilnam Kim
Section 3: Cell-derived matrices for biomedical applications
10.Cell-derived matrices (CDM)-Methods, challenges and applications Cheng HW, Yuan MT, Li CW and Chan BP.
11.Boosting collagen deposition with a lysyl oxidase/bone morphogenetic protein-1 cocktail Tamara Rosell-García and Fernando Rodríguez-Pascual
12.Generating specific cell-derived matrices from human trabecular meshwork cell cultures for mechanistic studies Felix Yemanyi, Janice Vranka and VijayKrishna Raghunathan
13.Methods in cell biology: Cell-derived matrices Elizabeth Pavez Loriè and Petra Boukamp