Acknowledgments ixPreface xiIntroduction: Plan for This Book xviiChapter 1 Reflections on the Changing Workplace 1Chapter 2 Building a Relationship Map 11Chapter 3 The Changing Nature of the External and Internal Career 33Chapter 4 The Eight Career Anchor Categories 43Chapter 5 The Career Interview 65Chapter 6 Career Anchors Assessment 73Chapter 7 What's Next? Growth Intentions 81Chapter 8 Five Career Anchors Stories 87Chapter 9 Conclusion 121Appendix: Career Anchors and Career- Oriented Personality Assessments 127Research Notes and References 139About the Authors 145Index 149
EDGAR H. SCHEIN is Professor Emeritus in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management. He's widely regarded as the founder of the field of organizational culture and has authored the defining resource on the topic.JOHN VAN MAANEN is the Erwin H. Schell Emeritus Professor of Work and Organization Studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is an ethnographer of organizations ranging in type from police organizations to educational institutions to business firms.PETER A. SCHEIN is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of He offers counsel to senior management on organizational development challenges facing private and public sector entities worldwide.