Preface; Chapter 1:Introduction - Outline of the Book; Chapter Two: Literature ReviewTheoretical Framework; The Core/Periphery Hierarchy; Origins and Boundaries of the System; Mechanisms of Reproduction; Mechanisms of Mobility; Empirical Studies of the Core/Periphery Hierarchy; A Theoretical Model; Chapter Three: Empirical Analyses Research Design and Methods; Variables and Countries Included in the Analyses; Combined Data Sets; Missing Data; Countries Included in the Analyses; Chapter Four: Position in the World-Economy; A Model of Position in the World-Economy; Calculating Position in the World-Economy; Position in the World-Economy 1990; Results; Calculating a Global Measure of Position 1990; Factor Analysis; A Surrogate Measure of Position in the World-Economy; Position in the World-Economy; Results; Chapter 5:Mobility in the World-Economy; The Core of the World-Economy 1990; Changes in Core Power 1820-1990; Mobility in the Semiperiphery and Periphery; Chapter Six: A Causal Model of the Relationships Among Economic and Military Dimensions; Chapter Seven: Summary and Conclusions; Theoretical Implications; Core/Periphery Structure; Mobility in the Core/Periphery Hierarchy; Hegemony; Causal Modeling; Implications of the Findings; Directions for Future Research; Endnotes; Appendix A. Descriptive Statistics for Variables in the Analyses; Bibliography; Index.