List of Contributors xixPreface xxiAcknowledgments xxiiiEditor Biography xxivAbout the Companion Website xxvSection 1 Lameness Diagnosis 1Part I Lameness Evaluation 31 Subjective Gait Evaluation 5Felix Michael Duerr1.1 Introduction 51.2 Observation at Rest 51.3 Observation in Motion 6References 132 Objective Gait Analysis 15Bryan T. Torres2.1 Introduction 152.2 Kinetic Analysis 152.3 Kinematic Analysis 212.4 Making the Best of Your Gait Data Collection 272.5 Evaluating Gait Data 28References 293 The Orthopedic Examination 31Dirsko J.F. von Pfeil and Felix Michael Duerr3.1 Introduction 313.2 The Orthopedic Examination 31References 394 The Neurologic Examination 41Lisa Bartner4.1 Introduction 414.2 Neuroanatomy Related to Limb Function 424.3 The Neurologic Examination 484.4 Diagnostic Tests 63References 655 The Rehabilitation Examination 67Sasha Foster5.1 Introduction 675.2 Passive Range of Motion 685.3 Joint Play 775.4 Flexibility Testing 795.5 Strength Testing 81References 836 The Myofascial Examination 85Rick Wall6.1 Introduction 856.2 Characteristics of Myofascial Trigger Points 856.3 Etiology and Pathophysiology of Myofascial Trigger Points 866.4 The Myofascial Examination 876.5 Myofascial Pain Syndrome Patterns Associated with Lameness 886.6 Clinical Significance 89References 90Part II Diagnostic Techniques 937 Arthrocentesis Technique 95Bryan T. Torres and Felix Michael Duerr7.1 Introduction 957.2 Risks and Contraindications 967.3 Restraint 967.4 Site Preparation 967.5 Equipment 967.6 Approaches 98References 1048 Diagnostic Joint Anesthesia 105Bryan T. Torres and Felix Michael Duerr8.1 Introduction 1058.2 Patient Selection 1058.3 Sedation Protocols 1068.4 Intra-articular Anesthetic Instillation 1088.5 Lameness Evaluation and Interpreting the Effect of Diagnostic Joint Anesthesia 108References 1109 Joint Fluid Analysis and Collection Considerations 111Adam Harris and Kelly Santangelo9.1 Introduction 1119.2 Sample Submission and Prioritization of Diagnostic Tests 1119.3 Gross, Biochemical, and Cytologic Examination 1139.4 Canine Arthropathies 120References 12210 Diagnostic Imaging Techniques in Lameness Evaluation 125Angela J. Marolf10.1 Introduction 12510.2 Radiography 12510.3 Ultrasonography 12610.4 Computed Tomography 12710.5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 13010.6 Nuclear Medicine 131References 13311 Diagnostic Approach to Neoplastic Conditions Causing Lameness 135Bernard Séguin11.1 Introduction 13511.2 Diagnostic Methods 13511.3 Specific Tumors 138References 139Section 2 Regional Diagnosis 141Part III Distal Limb Lameness 14312 Distal Limb Region 145Nicolaas E. Lambrechts12.1 Introduction 14512.2 Normal Anatomy 14512.3 Arthritis 15212.4 Fractures of the Distal Limb Region 15412.5 Conditions of Muscles, Tendon, and Ligaments 15712.6 Conditions of the Digital and Paw Pads 15912.7 Conditions of the Digit/Paw Skin 16212.8 Conditions of the Claws 16312.9 Other Conditions Affecting the Distal Limb Region 164References 166Part IV Thoracic Limb Lameness 16913 Carpal Region 171Denis J. Marcellin-Little and Dirsko J.F. von Pfeil13.1 Introduction and Common Differential Diagnoses 17113.2 Normal Anatomy and Osteoarthritis 17113.3 Fractures of the Carpal Region 17513.4 Carpal Hyperextension and Other Carpal Ligamentous Injuries 17913.5 Deformities of the Carpal Region 18513.6 Tendinous and Muscular Lesions of the Carpal Region 18613.7 Other Diseases Affecting the Carpal Region 187References 19114 Elbow Region 195Felix Michael Duerr14.1 Introduction and Common Differential Diagnoses 19514.2 Normal Anatomy and Arthritis 19514.3 Fractures of the Elbow Region 20014.4 Incomplete Ossification of the Humeral Condyle 20114.5 Elbow Dysplasia/Incongruity 20314.6 Medial Compartment Disease 20514.7 Traumatic Fracture of the Medial Coronoid Process 20814.8 Osteochondrosis Dissecans 20914.9 Ununited Anconeal Process 20914.10 Elbow Luxation 21014.11 Panosteitis 21214.12 Septic Arthritis 21414.13 Flexor Enthesopathy 21514.14 Other Diseases Affecting the Elbow Region 217References 21915 Shoulder Region 223Kristina M. Kiefer and Dirsko J.F. von Pfeil15.1 Introduction and Common Differential Diagnoses 22315.2 Normal Anatomy and Osteoarthritis 22315.3 Fractures of the Shoulder Region 22915.4 Medial Shoulder Instability 23115.5 Traumatic Shoulder Luxation 23515.6 Biceps Brachii Tendinopathy 23715.7 Supraspinatus Tendinopathy 24215.8 Infraspinatus Disease 24315.9 Osteochondrosis Dissecans 24615.10 Other Diseases Affecting the Shoulder Region 248References 25016 Neurological Disease of the Thoracic Limb 255Lisa Bartner16.1 Introduction 25516.2 Relevant Anatomy 25516.3 Neurological Diseases Affecting the Thoracic Limb 257References 26817 Neoplastic Conditions of the Thoracic Limb 271Bernard Séguin17.1 Introduction 27117.2 Neoplasia of Specific Regions 271References 277Part V Pelvic Limb Lameness 27918 Tarsal Region 281Kathleen Linn and Felix Michael Duerr18.1 Introduction and Common Differential Diagnoses 28118.2 Normal Anatomy 28118.3 Fractures of the Tarsal Region 28818.4 Tarsal Joint Luxations 29118.5 Pathology of the Common Calcanean Tendon 29418.6 Osteochondrosis Dissecans 29818.7 Other Diseases Affecting the Tarsal Region 300References 30419 Stifle Region 307Jennifer Warnock and Felix Michael Duerr19.1 Introduction and Common Differential Diagnoses 30719.2 Normal Anatomy 30719.3 Fractures of the Stifle Region 31419.4 Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease 31619.5 Patellar Luxation 32919.6 Stifle Luxation 33419.7 Isolated Caudal Cruciate Ligament Rupture 33619.8 Osteochondrosis Dissecans 33719.9 Patellar Ligament Pathology 33919.10 Other Diseases Affecting the Stifle Region 340References 34320 Hip Region 347Nina R. Kieves20.1 Introduction and Common Differential Diagnoses 34720.2 Normal Anatomy 34720.3 Fractures of the Hip Region 35320.4 Coxofemoral Luxation 35620.5 Hip Dysplasia 35820.6 Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head 36620.7 Muscle Contractures 36720.8 Iliopsoas Tendinopathy 37120.9 Other Diseases Affecting the Hip Region 373References 37621 Neurological Disease of the Pelvic Limb 379Lisa Bartner21.1 Introduction 37921.2 Relevant Anatomy 37921.3 Neurological Diseases Affecting the Pelvic Limb 381References 38922 Neoplastic Conditions of the Pelvic Limb 391Bernard Séguin22.1 Introduction 39122.2 Neoplasia of Specific Regions 391References 394Glossary 397List of Abbreviations 401Index 403
The EditorFELIX DUERR, Dr. med. vet., MS, DACVS-SA, DECVS, DACVSMR, is Associate Professor of Small Animal Orthopedics in the Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
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