Chapter 1 Resources and Methods for studying cancer in Asian Americans
Chapter 2 Cancer Incidence and Mortality Patterns among Chinese Americans
Chapter 3 Cancer Incidence and Mortality among Filipinos in the United States and the Philippines: Patterns and Trends
Chapter 4 Cancer Screening Among Asian Americans
Chapter 5 Lung Cancer in Asian Americans
Chapter 6 Colorectal Cancer among Asian Americans
Chapter 7 Prostate Cancer in Asian Americans
Chapter 8 Breast Cancer among Asian Americans
Chapter 9 Endometrial Cancer among Asian Americans
Chapter 10 Liver Cancer in Asian Americans
Chapter 11 Gastric Cancer in Asian Americans
Chapter 12 Cervical Cancer in Asian Americans
Anna H. Wu, Ph.D, is Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at USC and co-Leader of the Cancer Control Program at the Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Wu's research focuses on the epidemiology of cancer in Asian migrants to the United States. She is on the editorial board of journals including Cancer Causes and Control. Daniel O. Stram, Ph.D., is Professor and Statistician in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at USC. . His research focuses on biostatistical methods and analysis of genetic and environmental risk factors. . He currently is the Chair of the US EPA's Radiation Advisory Board Committee.
Cancer Epidemiology in Asian Americans is a comprehensive volume that provides the most current research on cancer etiology within this fast growing population sub-group in the United States. The book explores epidemiologic methods that are typically used in migrant studies, providing descriptive epidemiology of cancer patterns separately in Chinese, Japanese, Filipino and other Asian ethnic groups including Asian Indians, Koreans, Vietnamese, and other Southeast Asians. A major focus of the volume provides reviews of analytic risk factors for specific cancer sites including lung, colorectal, prostate, breast, liver and more. These chapters aim to explain the increases or decreases in incidence rates of various cancers upon migration, paying attention to changing risk factor prevalence, the importance of timing of exposures, and other co-factors important in the etiology of these cancers. Genetic determinants and gene-environment relationships associated with specific cancers are also discussed.. This first of its kind volume that is devoted to studies of cancer in Asian Americans provides a foundation to better understanding of environmental and lifestyle causes of cancer in this group, identifying gaps in our knowledge, and potential strategies for prevention.