1. Background: How I met Anwar El Sadat, 2. Background: El Sadat President, 3. The Peace Initiative, 4. Ismailia (25 December 1977), 5. Meditations, 6. An Understanding, 7. Are You Afraid Of Going To Jerusalem?, 8. Jerusalem, 9. The Last Supper, 10. Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket, 11. The Scenario (February 1978), 12. Danger from Within, 13. The European Salad, 14. A Deadly Octopus is Born and Reared in Darkness, 15. Personal Impressions, 16. What About the Palestinians?, 17. Making War While Talking Peace, 18. An Unexpected Stab in the Back!, 19. The Unadorned Story as seen from the Other Side, 20. A Pause for Reflection, 21. Towards Implementing the Scenario, 22. Fall-Back Position, 23. A Special Favour to Carter, 24. Israel Rejects the Egyptian Project before it is Presented, 25. Believe It Or Not!, 26. Let's Topple Begin!, 27. Inside the Ramparts of Leeds Castle, 28. Not One Grain of Sand for Nothing, 29. A Meeting with King Hussein, 30. The Last Stand, 31. The Leap to the Summit - Why?, 32. You and I Will Make History, 33. Fasting While Others Work, 34. Strange Symptoms and Many Question Marks, 35. On the Road to Camp David, 36. The Roaring of the Lion and the Wisdom of the Monkeys, 37. Kissinger's Curse Again, 38. Between The Israeli Hammer and The American Anvil, 39. Faint or Feint?, 40. A Last Attempt Before Resigning, 41. The Signing of the Accords, Sunday 17 September 1984, Appendices, Selected Bibliography, Index