Martin Neisen is a Partner at PwC in Frankfurt and leads PwC's global Basel IV initiative. He is also responsible for the FS Risk & Regulation department at PwC Germany. He has extensive experience and technical expertise in the German and European banking industry. Mr. Neisen has 20 years of project and auditing experience at banks and financial service providers. This applies in particular to advising institutions on questions relating to the entire spectrum of banking supervisory law and risk management.He is involved in PwC's international project teams and is regarded throughout Germany as the expert in the implementation of regulatory requirements and challenges that simultaneously affect supervisory law, risk management and accounting.Stefan Röth has worked for PwC since 2008 and, as Director in the FS Risk & Regulation department, advises banks and financial service providers on all issues relating to banking supervisory law. Mr. Röth has managed numerous projects for the implementation of banking regulatory requirements, including the implementation of CRD IV/CRR, CRD V/CRR II and the corresponding COREP & FINREP reporting. In addition, Mr. Röth supported banks in preparing for Basel IV / CRR III, for example in the context of test calculations and impact analyses.