ISBN-13: 9783844399417 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 224 str.
ISBN-13: 9783844399417 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 224 str.
The Minangkabau customers can be concluded as having social characteristics that seek for sympathy and reassurance, dependable, excited, institutes values of fun and enjoyment in life as well as warm relationships with others. These social signal are influenced by cultural values, which have been cultivated in the Minangkabau society. Conversely, Chinese customers assist and coalesce with one another to reach a common target. The result of logistics regression test for credit and saving products show partial significance at probability level of .050 and result of Hosmer and Lemershow Goodnes-of-Fit test show total significance at .050. Test result of ANOVA indicates that there is ethnic difference in the consumption of financial products. Thus, from the ethnic graph plot there are differences of the consumption pattern of credit and saving products. This means that Minangkabau customer have been using bank products optimally. On the contrary the plot graph of the ethnic Chinese usage of product is very strange. This means that Chinese customers only use credit products to support business activities.