Business Resilience System (Brs): Driven Through Boolean, Fuzzy Logics and Cloud Computation: Real and Near Real Time Analysis and Decision Making Sys » książka
CHAPTER TWO: Building Intelligent Models from Data Mining
CHAPTER THREE: Event Management and Best Practice
CHAPTER FOUR: Event Management Categories and best Practices
CHAPTER FIVE: Dynamic and Static Content Publication Workflow
CHAPTER SIX: What is Boolean Logic and How it Works
CHAPTER SEVEN: What is Fuzzy Logic and How it Works
CHAPTER EIGHT: Mathematics and Logic behind Boolean and Fuzzy Computation
CHAPTER NINE: Building Intelligent Models from Data Mining and Expert Knowledge
CHAPTER TEN: What is Data Analysis from Data Warehousing Perspective
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Boolean Computation versus Fuzzy Logic Computation
CHAPTER TWELVE: Defining Threats and Critical Points for Decision Making
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: A Simple Model of Business Resilience System
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Business Resilience System Topology of Hardware and Software
CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Cloud Computing Driven Business Resilience System
CHAPTER SIXTEEN: A General Business Resilience System Infrastructure
Appendix A: Generic Project Planning Management
Appendix B: Information on Demand
Appendix C: Where to Now BI: The Future of Business Intelligence and Beyond
Appendix D: SWOT Analysis Worksheet
Dr. Bahman Zohuri is currently at the Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Inc. a consulting company that he stared himself in 1991 when he left both semiconductor and defense industries after many years working as a chief scientist. After graduating from University of Illinois in field of Physics and Applied Mathematics, he joined Westinghouse Electric Corporation where he performed thermal hydraulic analysis and natural circulation for Inherent Shutdown Heat Removal System (ISHRS) in the core of a Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) as a secondary fully inherent shut system for secondary loop heat exchange. All these designs were, used for Nuclear Safety and Reliability Engineering for Self-Actuated Shutdown System. He designed the Mercury Heat Pipe and Electromagnetic Pumps for Large Pool Concepts of LMFBR for heat rejection purpose for this reactor around 1978 where he received a patent for it. He then was, transferred to defense division of Westinghouse later, where he was responsible for the dynamic analysis and method of launch and handling of MX missile out of canister. He later on was a consultant at Sandia National Laboratory after leaving United States Navy. Dr. Zohuri earned his Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in Physics from the University of Illinois and his second Master degree in Mechanical Engineering as well as his Doctorate in Nuclear Engineering from University of New Mexico. He has been, awarded three patents, and has published 26 textbooks and numerous other journal publications.
Recently he has been involved with Cloud Computation, Data warehousing, and Data Mining using Fuzzy and Boolean logic.
Mr. Masoud Moghaddam got his Master’s degree in Business Administration and has been a programmer and developer for over 25 years now. He became an ISP (Internet Service Provider) on the early days of internet popularity, has a great knowledge and experience in IP driven, and web applications, Intranet Services, Cyber Security, Database Programming and Graphical User Interface (GUI) design.
His years of experience and knowledge of Networking and Cyber Security involved him on many projects in the past 20 years. In addition, he has managed many total solution projects in networking and software development while he was working as the director of IT for Galaxy Advanced Engineering and he was involved in many scientific and technical projects to date.
Masoud also has deep views about the future of networking, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Organic Computing where he is currently working on the fundamentals and methodology of those new concepts.
This book provides a technical approach to a Business Resilience System with its Risk Atom and Processing Data Point based on fuzzy logic and cloud computation in real time. Its purpose and objectives define a clear set of expectations for Organizations and Enterprises so their network system and supply chain are totally resilient and protected against cyber-attacks, manmade threats, and natural disasters. These enterprises include financial, organizational, homeland security, and supply chain operations with multi-point manufacturing across the world. Market shares and marketing advantages are expected to result from the implementation of the system. The collected information and defined objectives form the basis to monitor and analyze the data through cloud computation, and will guarantee the success of their survivability's against any unexpected threats. This book will be useful for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the field of computer engineering, engineers that work for manufacturing companies, business analysts in retail and e-Commerce, and those working in the defense industry, Information Security, and Information Technology.
• Provides a model of Business Resilience System (BRS) to all sectors, including defense, intelligence, and homeland security;
• Shows how to implement an intelligent BRS system in place, based on Service Level Agreement (SLA), set by organization stakeholders;
• Demonstrates a logical and physical setup of BRS, with its Risk Atom and Processing Data Point (PDP) core;
• Presents a comprehensive collection of research on the subject of BRS.