IntroThe customer wins! viWhere is value now and next? viiIBusiness model shift xHow to use this book xiiFrom normal to new normal 1From products to services 8From shareholder to stakeholder 48From physical to digital 90From pipeline to platform 132From incremental to exponential 172From linear to circular 214ConclusionWhere value is shifting! 254How to drive your own shift 257Business model growth curve 258Alibaba's growth curve 260Trends 262Creating the right ecosystem 264References 266The makers 270The contributors 272What's your shift? 273
PATRICK VAN DER PIJL, CEO of Business Models Inc., is an international keynote speaker and renowned business model strategist. He is a producer of the international bestseller Business Model Generation, and co-author of Design a Better Business.JUSTIN LOKITZ, Business Designer and Managing Director of BMI's Americas office, is an experienced design strategist, business designer, and technologist and co-author of Design a Better Business.ROLAND WIJNEN, Business Designer at Business Models Inc., leads the effort to turn business model research into compelling stories that shift mindsets.MAARTEN VAN LIESHOUT, Creative Director of Business Models Inc., uses his visual and design skills to help companies dive into uncertainty, explore new strategic futures, and scale their ideas.