Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
Introductory Chapters: Foundations of Medical Terminology 1. Building Medical Terms Starting with Medical Specialties
2. Diseases and Disorders: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Terms
3. Organization of the Body
Body Systems
4. Circulatory System 5. Respiratory System 6. Digestive System 7. Urinary System 8. Reproductive System 9. Musculoskeletal System 10. Nervous System and Psychological Disorders 11. Peripheral Nervous System
12. Integumentary System 13. Endocrine System
14. Oncology and Cancer Treatment
Appendices I. Abbreviations II. Spanish-English Translation of Selected Terms
III. Word Parts: Alphabetized Word Parts and Meanings
IV. Solutions to Exercises
Bibliography and Illustration Credits Glossary/Index