Preface1 Million Dollar Habits 1No. 1: Start Small, Dream Big 3No. 2: Don't Compare Yourself to Others 5No. 3: Automate and Stay Consistent 5No. 4: Start with Day 1 6No. 5: Keep It Real 7No. 6: Invest Early and Often 9Summary 12Notes 13Worksheet: Million Dollar Habits 142 Plans Change - So Can Your Money 15The Story No One Told You 17The Real Reasons Money Feels Tight 18A New Plan for Your Money 26Summary 29Notes 293 Money Mindset and Your Emotions 31Emotions and Your Money 34Step 1: Identify Your Money Mindset 35Step 2: Tackle Your Emotional Spending 41Step 3: Take Action 46Summary 47Notes 48Worksheet: Shift Your Money Mindset 494 Flip the Script on Budgets 51What a Budget Should Be 53Step 1: Get Organized 58Step 2: Set Your Money Goals 64Step 3: Build Your Budget 73Step 4: Automate Your Money 80Summary 85Worksheet: Build Your Budget 875 Tackle Your Debt 95Develop Your Debt Payoff Plan 101Find Extra Money to Pay Down Your Debt 114Accelerate Your Debt Payoff 120For the Student Debt Warriors 124Summary 131Notes 136Worksheet: Debt Payoff 1376 Get Your Full Financial Picture 141Net Worth 143Your Credit Score 144Your Liquidity Ratio 146Your Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio 147How Often Should I Check These Numbers? 149Summary 151Worksheet: Get Your Financial Picture 1527 Invest Early and Often 155The Magic of Investing: Compound Growth 158Tanya's Wealth Journey 163How Much Should I Invest? 169Update Your Investment Goals 175Summary 177Notes 1788 Investing 101 179The Magic of Tax-Advantaged Accounts 181The Average Money Maker's Guide to Investments 208Summary 220Notes 221Worksheet: Investing 101 2229 Beyond the Basics 225Tanya's Next Steps 227How to Open a Brokerage Account 232For High Income Earners: Consider a Backdoor Roth 240Get Penalty-Free Access to Your Investments? Using a Roth Ladder 241Tracking Your Investments Across Multiple Accounts 243Creating Generational Wealth 243Summary 24910 Confessions of a First-Time Homebuyer 251My Homeownership Journey 253Lessons Learned 25911 The Rent Versus Buy Debate 267Why Buying a House Can Be Difficult 268The Pros and Cons of Homeownership 272Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Home 274Summary 276Notes 27612 Nine Steps to Homeownership 277Real Estate Lingo 278Step 1: Find Out How Much You Can Afford 282Step 2: Shop Around for Lenders 289Step 3: Find Your Home 291Step 4: Make a Strong Offer 292Step 5: Finalize Your Mortgage 293Step 6: Get Your Inspection 294Step 7: Get Homeowners Insurance 295Step 8: Final Walk-Through 295Step 9: Closing Day! 295Building Wealth with Real Estate 296Summary 302Closing 305Appendix 309Acknowledgments 317About the Author 319Index 321
KIMBERLY HAMILTON is the Founder of Beworth Finance where she helps women and millennials make smart money moves. As a Certified Financial Education Instructor, Kimberly's advice has been featured in major publications such as Forbes, Business Insider, and Health magazine, among others. To learn more, you can follow her on social media @BeworthFinance.
Hamilton Jane Hamilton lives, works, and writes in an orcha... więcej >