ISBN-13: 9781119722854 / Angielski / Twarda / 2021 / 400 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119722854 / Angielski / Twarda / 2021 / 400 str.
Preface xiiiStructure of the Book xvNotation xxi1 Ambient Air11.1 Overview 1Learning Outcomes 11.2 Why Ambient Air Is Important? 11.3 Air Composition 21.4 Gas Mixtures 31.4.1 Mixture Laws 31.4.2 Dalton's Law 41.4.3 Gibbs-Dalton Law 51.4.4 Ideal Gas Behaviour and the Equation of State 61.5 Air Thermodynamic and Transport Properties 71.5.1 Gas Density 71.5.2 Dynamic Viscosity 71.5.3 Specific Heat Capacity 91.5.4 Thermal Conductivity 101.5.5 Heat Transfer Coefficient 101.5.6 Combinations of Properties 111.6 Important Energy Concepts 121.6.1 First Law of Thermodynamics 121.6.2 Thermal Energy 131.6.3 Rate of Thermodynamic Work 141.6.4 Nonthermal Energy 141.6.5 Non-flow Conditions 151.6.6 Entropy 151.7 Worked Examples 161.8 Tutorial Problems 212 The Thermodynamics of the Human Machine and Thermal Comfort 252.1 Overview 25Learning Outcomes 252.2 Thermal Comfort of Human Beings 262.3 Energy Balance of the Human Body 262.4 Metabolism ( M) and Physical Work ( W) 272.4.1 Latent Heat Loss Heat Loss by Perspiration Heat Loss by Respiration 292.4.2 Sensible Heat Loss Heat Loss by Conduction Heat Loss by Convection 302.4.2.3 Heat Loss by Radiation 302.5 Optimum Comfort Temperature 312.6 Estimation of Thermal Comfort 312.7 Worked Examples 332.8 Tutorial Problems 413 Ventilation 453.1 Overview 45Learning Outcomes 453.2 Concentrations, Contaminants, and the Decay Equation 463.2.1 Concentrations 463.2.2 The Decay Equation 473.3 Natural Ventilation 483.3.1 Stack Effect Ventilation 483.3.2 Wind Effect Ventilation 503.3.3 Combined Wind and Stack Effect Ventilation 513.3.4 Infiltration 523.4 Mechanical Ventilation 523.5 Fan Types and Selection 533.5.1 Selection of Fans 543.6 Duct Sizing and Fan Matching 563.6.1 Duct Pressure Losses 563.6.2 Selecting Duct Sizes 573.6.3 Fan Sizing 603.6.4 Fan-System Characteristics and Matching 613.6.5 Fan Laws 623.7 Worked Examples 633.8 Tutorial Problems 734 Psychrometry and Air Conditioning 754.1 Overview 75Learning Outcomes 754.2 Psychrometric Properties 754.2.1 Pressure 754.2.2 Temperature 764.2.3 Water Content 764.2.4 Condensation 774.2.5 Energy Content 774.2.6 Mass Flow and Volume 784.3 The Psychrometric Chart 784.4 Air-Conditioning Processes 804.5 Air-Conditioning Cycles 864.5.1 Air-Conditioning Plant Variations 874.6 Worked Examples 914.7 Tutorial Problems 1035 The Building Envelope 1075.1 Overview 107Learning Outcomes 1075.2 Variation in Meteorological Conditions 1075.2.1 Temperature and Humidity 1085.2.2 Wind 1085.2.3 Solar Irradiation 1085.3 Heat Transfer 1095.3.1 Conduction 1095.3.2 Convection 1115.3.3 Radiation 1125.4 Solar Irradiation 1135.4.1 Solar Time 1145.4.2 Solar Angles 1155.4.3 Surface Irradiation 1175.5 Heat Losses/Gains Across the Envelope 1185.5.1 Opaque Elements, i.e. Walls, Doors, Roofs, Floors, and Cavities 1185.5.2 Transparent Elements, i.e. Windows, Roof Lights, Light Wells, Atria 1195.5.3 Unsteady State Heat Transfer 1225.6 Moisture and Air Transfer 1255.6.1 Water Vapour Generation and Control 1255.6.2 Vapour Pressure Gradients and Moisture Transfer 1255.6.3 Prediction of Interstitial Building Fabric Condensation 1265.6.4 Air Transfer 1275.7 Internal Heat Gains 1285.8 Worked Examples 1285.9 Tutorial Problems 1396 Refrigeration and Heat Pumps 1436.1 Overview 143Learning Outcomes 1436.2 Choice of Refrigerants 1446.2.1 Choice of Refrigerant for Vapour Compression Systems 1466.2.2 Choice of Refrigerant-Absorbent Pairings for Vapour Absorption Systems 1476.3 Heat Pump, Refrigeration, and Vapour Compression Cycles 1476.3.1 Carnot Cycle 1496.3.2 Ideal Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle 1506.3.3 Practical Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle 1516.3.4 Irreversibilities in Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycles 1526.3.5 Multistage-Vapour Compression Refrigeration 1526.3.6 Multipurpose Refrigeration Systems with a Single Compressor 1546.4 Absorption Refrigeration 1556.4.1 Thermodynamic analysis 1576.5 Adsorption Refrigeration 1596.6 Stirling Cycle Refrigeration 1596.7 Reverse Brayton-Air Refrigeration Cycle 1626.8 Steam Jet Refrigeration Cycle 1636.9 Thermoelectric Refrigeration 1656.10 Thermoacoustic Refrigeration 1666.11 Worked Examples 1676.12 Tutorial Problems 1797 Acoustic Factors 1857.1 Overview 185Learning Outcomes 1857.2 The Human Ear 1857.3 SoundWaves 1877.3.1 Wave Motion 1877.3.2 Wave Characteristics 1897.4 Power, Intensity, and Pressure 1907.4.1 The Bel 1907.4.2 Sound Levels 1907.4.2.1 Sound Power Level (LW) 1907.4.2.2 Sound Intensity Level (LI ) 1917.4.2.3 Sound Pressure Level (Lp) 1917.4.2.4 Sound-Level Interrelationships 1927.5 Laws of Sound Combination 1937.6 Sound Propagation 1937.6.1 Sound Attenuation 1947.7 Sound Fields 1997.7.1 Free Field 2007.7.2 Diffuse Field 2007.7.3 Far-Field 2017.7.4 Near Field 2017.8 Acoustic Pollution or Noise 2017.8.1 Effect on Humans 2027.8.2 Noise Standards 2027.9 Worked Examples 2037.10 Tutorial Problems 2088 Visual Factors 2118.1 Overview 211Learning Outcomes 2118.2 The Human Eye 2118.3 Light Sources and Receivers 2128.4 Laws of Illumination 2158.5 Lamp Types 2178.5.1 Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) 2188.5.2 Gas/Vapour Discharge Lamps 2188.5.2.1 Tubular Fluorescents 2188.5.2.2 Metal Vapour/Metal Halide Lamps 2188.5.2.3 Sodium Lamps 2198.5.3 Incandescent Lamps 2208.5.3.1 Tungsten Filament 2208.5.3.2 Tungsten Halogen Lamps 2208.5.4 Luminous Efficacy 2218.6 Luminaires and Directional Control 2228.6.1 Reflection 2228.6.2 Refraction 2228.6.3 Diffusion 2238.6.4 Directional Performance Ratios 2238.6.5 Lumen Method 2248.6.6 Glare 2258.7 Worked Examples 2268.8 Tutorial Problems 2329 Cleaning the Air 2359.1 Overview 235Learning Outcomes 2359.2 Concentration and Exposure 2369.2.1 Concentration Conversions 2369.2.2 Pollutant Exposure 2369.3 Particulate Pollution 2369.3.1 Nature of Particulates 2369.3.2 Stokes Law and Terminal Velocity 2379.4 Principles of Particulate Collection 2409.4.1 Collection Surfaces 2409.4.2 Collection Devices 2419.4.3 Fractional Collection Efficiency 2429.5 Control Technologies 2429.5.1 Gravity Settlers 2439.5.1.1 Model 1: Unmixed Flow Model 2439.5.1.2 Model 2: Well-Mixed Flow Model 2449.5.2 Centrifugal Separators or Cyclones 2469.5.3 Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) 2509.5.4 Fabric Filters 2549.6 Non-particulate Pollutants 2579.6.1 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx, NO, NO2) 2579.6.2 Ozone (O3) 2579.6.3 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 2589.6.4 Radon 2589.6.5 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 2589.6.6 Micro-organisms 2599.7 Principles of Non-particulate Collection 2599.7.1 Adsorption 2599.7.2 Ultraviolet Technologies 2599.7.3 Plasma Cleaning 2609.8 Pressure Drop Considerations 2609.9 Worked Examples 2619.10 Tutorial Problems 26810 Solar Energy Applications 27110.1 Overview 271Learning Outcomes 27110.2 Solar Thermal Collector Technologies 27110.2.1 Flat-Plate Glazed Collectors 27110.2.2 Evacuated Tube Collectors 27210.2.3 Solar Thermal Collector Efficiency (etac) 27310.2.4 Solar Thermal Air Heaters 27510.3 Solar Electricity 27610.3.1 Photovoltaic (PV) Cells 27710.3.2 PV Cell Shading 27810.3.3 PV Energy Production 27910.4 Ground-Based Energy Sources 27910.4.1 Direct Ground Heating/Cooling 28110.4.2 Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHPs) 28110.5 Energy Storage 28110.5.1 Thermal Energy Storage 28110.5.1.1 Sensible Heat Storage 28210.5.1.2 Latent Heat Storage 28310.5.2 Electrical Energy Storage 28410.5.3 Battery Technologies 28610.6 Daylighting 28810.7 Worked Examples 28910.8 Tutorial Problems 29711 Measurements and Monitoring 30111.1 Overview 301Learning Outcomes 30111.2 Compositional Parameters 30211.2.1 Gaseous Concentration Measurement 30211.2.1.1 Matter-Photon Interaction 30211.2.2 Particulates Concentration Measurement 30311.3 Physical Parameters 30311.3.1 Pressure Measurement Principles 30311.3.2 Temperature Measurement Principles 30411.3.2.1 Resistance Thermometers 30611.3.2.2 Thermocouples 30611.3.2.3 Thermistor 30711.3.3 Humidity Measurement Principles 30911.3.3.1 Wet- and Dry-Bulb Hygrometer (Relative humidity) 31011.3.4 Velocity Measurement Principles 31111.3.4.1 Differential Pressure Meters 31111.3.4.2 Anemometers 31211.3.4.3 Optical Methods 31311.4 Visual and Aural Parameters 31411.4.1 Light Measurement Principles 31411.4.2 Sound Measurement Principles 31411.5 Utility Measurement and Metering 31511.5.1 Electricity Metering 31511.5.2 Gas Metering 31611.5.3 Water Flow Metering 31711.5.4 Heat Metering 32011.5.5 Energy and Building Management Systems 32111.6 Worked Examples 32111.7 Tutorial Problems 32712 Drivers, Standards, and Methodologies 33112.1 Overview 331Learning Outcomes 33112.2 Compliance Considerations 33212.2.1 Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) Standards and the Energy Performanceof Buildings Directive (EPBD) 33212.2.2 UK Building Regulations and Approved Documents 33312.2.3 SAP, RdSAP, and SBEM (UK) 33312.2.4 Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) 33412.2.5 Ecodesign and Energy Related Products (ErP) 33512.2.6 Lamp and Lighting Standards 33512.2.7 Noise Standards 33512.2.8 Indoor Environmental Design Parameters 33612.3 External Certification and Recognition 33612.3.1 BREEAM 33612.3.2 Passivhaus 33712.3.3 WELL Standards 33812.3.4 LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design 33812.4 Operational Considerations 33812.4.1 Post Occupancy Evaluation 33812.4.2 Building Owner Manuals and Building Logbooks 33912.4.3 Display Energy Certificates (DECs) 33912.4.4 Air-Conditioning Reports 34012.4.5 F-Gas Regulations 34012.4.6 Indoor Air Pollutants 34012.4.7 Prevention of Legionellosis 34213 Emerging Technologies 34313.1 Overview 34313.2 Smart Ventilation 34313.3 Smart Active Glazing 34413.4 Cooling Technologies 34513.4.1 Elasto-Caloric Refrigeration 34513.4.2 Magneto-Caloric Refrigeration 34713.4.3 Electro-Caloric Refrigeration 34813.4.4 Baro-Caloric Refrigeration 34913.4.5 New and Re-Emerging Refrigerants 34913.5 Smart Tuneable Acoustic Insulation 35013.6 Smart (Human Centric) Lighting Design 35113.7 Active Botanical Air Filtration 35113.8 Peak Lopping Thermal Mass 35213.9 Smart Batteries 35313.10 Smart Sensors and Meters 35313.11 Smart Microgrids 35513.12 Hydrogen 35613.12.1 Methane Combustion Chemistry 35613.12.2 Hydrogen Combustion Chemistry 35613.12.3 Fuel Property Comparison 35713.12.4 Fuel Substitution 35714 Closing Remarks 359Appendix A The Psychrometric Chart 361Appendix B Refrigerant Thermodynamic Properties 363Bibliography 367Index 369
Professor Tarik Al-Shemmeri is an Independent Consultant and a Visiting Lecturer to the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, UK. He has lectured, researched and published many research papers and text books in the area of thermo-fluids, renewable energy, and power generation.Neil Packer is a Chartered Engineer who has taught Mechanical Engineering to students in the Higher Education sector for over 25 years. He has acted as an Energy Consultant on a range of low carbon projects in the UK, mainland Europe, and North Africa.
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