Henry and Sundstrom are providing a key link in the chain in understanding the way that global governance works through transnational civil society: the work of domestic NGOs.Their research highlights the challenges faced by NGOs 'going global' by focusing on NGOs based in the BRICS—a loose association of developing states that are agitating to influence global politics in a multitude of issue areas. A must-read for students of global governance, civil society,
and emerging powers.
Laura A. Henry is a Professor in the Department of Government and Legal Studies at Bowdoin College. Her research investigates Russia's post-Soviet politics, focusing on state society relations, NGOs, and social movements. She is particularly interested in environmental politics and the interaction of transnational and local actors. Henry is the author of Red to Green: Environmental Activism in Post-Soviet Russia and the co-editor of
Russian Civil Society: A Critical Assessment. Her work has appeared in Environmental Politics, Global Environmental Politics, Post-Soviet Affairs, and Europe-Asia Studies among other journals. She has been a Watson Foundation fellow and a Fulbright Scholar. Her research has received support from the National Security Education
Program, the Social Science Research Council, and the International Research and Exchange Board.
Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom is a Professor of Political Science at the University of British Columbia. Her regional area of
expertise is Russia, and her major research interests include democratization, human rights, women's rights, legal mobilization, and NGO activism in both domestic and transnational politics. She is co-author of Courting Gender Justice: Russia, Turkey, and the European Court of Human Rights, author of Funding Civil Society: Foreign Assistance and NGO Development in Russia, and the co-editor of Russian Civil Society: A Critical Assessment as well as Global Commons,
Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change. She has published in scholarly journals including International Organization, Global Environmental Politics, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Europe-Asia Studies, Problems of Post-Communism, and Human Rights Quarterly.