11. Histopathological Classification of Benign Lesions
12. Breast Lump
13. Mastalgia
14. Nipple Discharge
15. Gynecomastia
16. Infectious Breast Diseases
17. Classification of Proliferative Breast Lesions
18. Treatment of Proliferative Breast Lesions
19. Ductal Carcinoma in situ
20. Identifying High-Risk Patients
21. Practical Aspects of Genetic Counselling
22. Prevention: Habits and Behavior
23. Chemoprevention
24. Risk Reducing Surgeries
25. Carcinogenesis and Natural History of Breast Cancer
26. Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Classification of Breast Cancer
27. Staging and Prognostic Factors
28. Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
29. Predictive and Prognostic Factors: Genetic Signatures, Adjuvant! and PREDICT
30. Mastectomy
31. Conservative Breast Surgery
32. Surgery of Axillary and Regional Lymph Nodes
33. Surgery of Non-Palpable Breast Lesions
34. Handling the Surgical Specimen
35. Principles of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
36. Partial Breast Reconstruction – Pedicles
37. Breast Reconstruction with Implants
38. Breast Reconstruction with Myocutaneous Flaps
39. Lipofilling
40. Aesthetic Breast Surgery
41. Early Breast Cancer
42. Locally Advanced Breast Surgery
43. Influence of Histologic, Immunohistochemical and Molecular Types on Therapeutics
44. Inflammatory Carcinoma
45. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
46. Occult Breast Cancer
47. Paget's Disease
48. Nonepithelial Breast Cancer
49. Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer
50. Breast Cancer in Young Patients
51. Breast Cancer in Elderly Patients
52. Multifocal, Multicentric and Bilateral Carcinoma
53. Breast Cancer in Men
54. Local Relapses
55. Breast Cancer in Patients with Previous Aesthetic Surgery
56. Radiotherapy
57. Hormonal Therapy
58. Adjuvant Chemotherapy
59. Therapy Anti-Her-2
60. Neoadjuvant Therapy
61. Other Systemic Treatments
62. Follow-up
63. Survivorship
64. Physical Rehabilitation after Breast Cancer Treatment
65. Contraception and Infertility
66. Climateric Treatment after Breast Cancer
67. Metastatic Breast Cancer - Therapies and Palliative Care
1. Guilherme Novita obtained his Master's degree from the Medical School of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP). Coordinator of the Mastology Service of the Paulistano Hospital and Mastologist of the Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital, São Paulo, SP. Fellow of the European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy.
2. Antônio Luiz Frasson is holder of the Breast Group of the Oncology Center of the Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital, São Paulo, SP. Adjunct Professor-Doctor of the School of Medicine of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). President of the Brazilian Society of Mastology (2017-2019).
3. Eduardo Camargo Millen is President of the Brazilian Society of Mastology - Rio de Janeiro Regional (2017-2019). Mastologist of the Cancer National Institute (INCA-RJ). Fellow of the European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy.
4. Felipe Zerwes is Adjunct Professor of the School of Medicine of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Coordinator of the Mastology Service of the Cancer Hospital Mãe de Deus, Porto Alegre, RS. Fellow of the European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy.
5. Francisco Pimentel Cavalcante is Mastologist of the Hospital Geral de Fortaleza (HGF) and President of the Brazilian Society of Mastology - Ceará Regional (2017-2019).
Designed in a small-format for practical reading and point-of-care setting use, this work presents the most up-to-date concepts on breast diseases. The main objective of this book is to propagate current knowledge of the most frequent breast diseases, being a quick reference, evidence-based manual covering the major clinical scenarios in mastology. The essence of the work can be summarized in the following sentence: "access to maximum content in the least amount of time.”
The book contains data that will allow readers to understand and treat patients with different complaints and diseases. Each chapter presents a flow chart and a summary of the five major publications on the subject. This is unique in comparison with other books in this medical specialty.
Developed by a team of international expert specialists who deal with breast pathologies on a daily basis, the book also includes additional contributions from experienced, renowned professionals in interdisciplinary specialties related to the main area.This book will be of interest to physicians who deal with breast diseases and wish to improve their knowledge through exposure to state-of-the-art data and best practices advice. It is also directed to medical students and residents in training within mastology.
(This title was originally published in Portuguese by the Brazilian publisher Atheneu in 2011 and has sold very well and gone into a third edition, published in 2017. The Editors have all English language rights, detailed in the attached contract, although it is in Portuguese).