1 Basic Concepts of Microsurgery, it is posible to be an expert? Part I: The Surface 2 The Skin and superficial Nerves: What does it matters for Neurosurgeons - Surgical Anatomy of the Scalp 3 Beyond the bone- Surgical Anatomy of the Skull 4 More than circunvolutions - Surgical Anatomy of the Sulci and Gyrus of the Brain 5 The Hidden Lobe - Surgical Anatomy of the Insula 6 The delicate anatomy - Surgical Anatomy of Sulci and Gyrus of the Cerebellum 7 The Dangerous Zone - Surgical Anatomy of the Brainstem 8 What Lies Behind? - Surgical anatomy of the temporal bone and transtemporal approaches Part II: The Cisterns 9 . The Hub of the Cisterns - Surgical Anatomy of the Basal Cisterns 10 The Beggining of everything - Surgical Anatomy of the Sylvian Cistern 11 Be careful with the midline - Surgical Anatomy of the Interhemispheric Fissure 12 The soul - Surgical Anatomy of the Pineal Region 13 Skull base Joker? - Surgical Anatomy of the Ponto-Cerebelar Cistern 14 Are posterior fossa cisterns important? - Surgical Anatomy of Other Cerebello-medullary Cistern Part III: The Central Core 15 The functional anatomy - Surgical Anatomy of the White Fiber Tracts 16 Deep inside - Surgical Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus Part IV: The Ventricles 17 Knowing me can make your life easier - Surgical Anatomy of the Lateral Ventricles 18 Do you know all the ways to get there? - Surgical Anatomy of the III Ventricle 19 Despite small there is many coordination - Surgical Anatomy of the IV Ventricle Part V: The Skull Base 20 Fistula? It is posible? - Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Fossa 21 It is posible to acces the eye? - Surgical Anatomy of the Orbit 22 Are many structures attached? - Surgical Anatomy of the Middle Fossa 23 Our neighborhood are complex - Surgical Anatomy of the ParaSellar Region 24 Anterior Incisural Space – Attention to the perforators 25 Are something behind the temporal lobe? - Surgical Anatomy of the Temporal Bone 26 Is it really no-mans land? Surgical Anatomy of the Cavernous Sinus 27 Be careful - Surgical Anatomy of the Petroclival Region 28 Surgical anatomy of the far lateral approach and jugular foramen 29 Where it all ends - Surgical Anatomy of the Foramen Magnum 30 Brainsteam Tumors
Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo, MD,PhD, completed a fellowship in microsurgery at the Barrow Neurological Institute (USA). He holds a PhD in sciences and is an associate professor of neurosurgery at the School of Medicine at the University of São Paulo (USP), as well as head of the Cerebrovascular Surgical Group at Division of Neurological Surgery (HCFMUSP). He has been one of postgraduate coordinator at the University of São Paulo’s Department of Neurology since 2015 and chief editor of Brazilian Neurosurgery, the official Brazilian neurosurgery journal, since 2011. Dr. Figueiredo is the current president of Brazilian Neurosurgical Society (2021–2022) and associate member of Harvard Medical School and Harvard University Alumni since 2015.
Nícollas Nunes Rabelo, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon and member of the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery and SBN Academic league director (2021-2022). He has a postgraduate qualification in Neurocritical care medicine from Sirio Libanês Hospital and a fellowship in vascular and skull base Neurosurgery at the University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP). Dr. Rabelo is a Pos PhD student from School of Medicine at the University of São Paulo (FMUSP) and is an adjunct researcher at the same University. He has MBA in health management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and is Professor of Atenas Medical School and Pos graduate of neurocritical care medicine at Sirio Libanês Hospital- IEP.
Leonardo C. Welling, MD, PhD, is a neurosurgeon and member of the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery. He obtained a postgraduate qualification in neurointensive care from Sirio Libanês Hospital (São Paulo) and completed a fellowship in microneuroanatomy at the Portuguese Beneficence Hospital (São Paulo). He holds a doctoral degree in medical sciences from the School of Medicine at the University of São Paulo (FM–USP) and completed the same university’s postdoctoral neurology program. He is a member of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (USA) and a Professor of Neurosurgery at the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG).
This strategic book joins the classical brain anatomy to the challenges of neurosurgery approaches. Its thirty illustrated chapters connect basic concepts to the specialists experience in the operating room. They also provide didactic tips and tricks for accessing the brain into to the surface, cisterns, central core, ventricles and skull base.
The Brain Anatomy and Neurosurgical Approaches is focused on neurosurgeons in training and those who need updated information and technical tips on how to deal with neurosurgical patients, as well as with anatomical challenges in real surgeries. Neurosurgeons, residents and students will have a helpful source of study and research.