Introduction 1Part 1: Getting Started with Bluegrass Banjo 5Chapter 1: Bluegrass Music and the Banjo 7Chapter 2: Finding the Perfect Bluegrass Banjo and Getting the Gear You Need 21Chapter 3: Hitting the Ground Running: Tuning, Reading Music, and Making Chords 37Chapter 4: Fretting and Picking 51Part 2: Let's Roll! Scruggs-Style Banjo Essentials 69Chapter 5: Picking Techniques: Roll Patterns 71Chapter 6: Fretting Techniques and Putting the Hands Together 89Chapter 7: Getting Bona Fide: Playing Licks and Classic Tunes 109Chapter 8: Working Up Your Own Scruggs-Style Solos 135Part 3: Playing in the Band: Backup Essentials 165Chapter 9: Getting Started: Playing Down-the-Neck Backup 167Chapter 10: Taking It Higher: Playing Up-the-Neck Backup 181Part 4: Progressive Banjo: Melodic and Single-String Styles 205Chapter 11: Melodic-Style Banjo 207Chapter 12: Single-String Banjo 227Part 5: Keeping Your Banjo in Top Shape 243Chapter 13: Setup Essentials and Live Performance: Getting the Best Sound from Your Banjo 245Chapter 14: All Strings Considered: Choosing and Changing Strings 261Part 6: The Part of Tens 275Chapter 15: Ten (or So) Groundbreaking Bluegrass Banjo Players 277Chapter 16: Ten Strategies to Make You a Better Player (Right Now!) 285Part 7: Appendixes 291Appendix A: A Guide to Chords, Notes, and Major Scales 293Appendix B: Audio Tracks and Video Clips 301Index 311
Bill Evans is an internationally recognized five-string banjo life force. As a performer, teacher, writer, and composer, he brings a deep knowledge, intense virtuosity, and contagious passion to all things banjo, with thousands of music fans and banjo students from all over the world in a music career that now spans over 45 years. Keep up with Bill at
Evans D. FENNELL EVANS, PhD, is Professor of Chemical En... więcej >