Acknowledgments Introduction Tamy Burnett and AmiJo Comeford Part I. Theorizing (Dis)Ability, Medicine, and Wellness Defining the Whedonverse Disability Narrative Ethic: Examining Impairment Arcs in Dollhouse, Angel, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Mary Ellen Iatropoulos Slaying the Deficit in Disability: Exploring Buffy and Firefly/Serenity Cynthia Headley Angel's Female Freaks: (Dis)Abilties, Professional, and Personal Life Limitations Lorna Jowett "The Cliff Notes version? I want a normal life": Slayerhood as Social-Model Disability Elizabeth K. Switaj Dollhouse and Intellectual Disability Barbara Stock "I want to be healthy again": Mental Health and Normality in Buffy the Vampire Slayer Roslyn Weaver Dr. Simon Tam, Healer and Humanist: Medical Models of Health Care in Firefly and Serenity Brett S. Stifflemire Suffering, Strength, and the Soul of the Slayer Madeline Muntersbjorn Part II: Bodies, Trauma, and Recovery "Off with their heads!—Kidding!" The Beheading Topos in Angel's Pylea Cynthea Masson Regarding Torture in Buffy the Vampire Slayer's "Hush" Erin Hollis "You're the one who sees everything!" Xander's Eye Patch and Visible Disability in Buffy the Vampire Slayer Brian Cogan British Vampire, "American Disease": William the Bloody as Victorian Neurasthenic J. Bowers Trauma, Technology, and the Affective Body in Firefly and Dollhouse Emily James Hansen and Katheryn Wright The Token Fatty: Three Whedon Series in Search of a "Normal-Sized" Woman Sherry Ginn "It's about power": New Bodies, Connection, and Healing in Seasons Six and Seven of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Kelly L. Richardson "Sweetie, your epidermis is showing": Theorizing Skin in and Through Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Frances Sprout "I've got these evil hand issues": Amputation, Identity, and Agency in Angel Tamy Burnett Episode Guide Works Cited About the Contributors Index