Introduction 1Book 1: Entering The Blogosphere 7Chapter 1: Joining the Blogosphere 9Chapter 2: Preparing to Start and Write a Blog 27Chapter 3: Blogging Basics 43Chapter 4: Blogging Best Practices 67Book 2: Niche Blogging 81Chapter 1: Understanding Niche Blogging 83Chapter 2: Benefiting from a Niche Blog Approach 99Chapter 3: Choosing Your Niche 111Chapter 4: Writing for Your Niche 127Book 3: Corporate and Non-Profit Blogging 149Chapter 1: Starting a Business Blog 151Chapter 2: Developing a Blog Plan 177Chapter 3: Choosing Bloggers 199Chapter 4: Writing an Organization's Blog 215Chapter 5: Keeping Yourself and Your Organization Out of Trouble 227Book 4: Figuring Out Blogging Platforms 241Chapter 1: Choosing a Blogging Platform 243Chapter 2: Finding the Right Blogging Platform 253Chapter 3: Taking a Look at WordPress 269Chapter 4: Using Google Blogger 301Chapter 5: Understanding Medium 331Chapter 6: Blogging with Wix 365Book 5: Blogging Tools 401Chapter 1: Optimizing for Search Engines 403Chapter 2: Measuring Blog Performance 419Chapter 3: Enhancing Content 435Chapter 4: Staying Organized 455Book 6: Promoting and Growing Your Blog 479Chapter 1: Secrets to Blogging Success 481Chapter 2: Building Community 491Chapter 3: Social Networking 499Chapter 4: Distributing Content 515Chapter 5: Inviting or Being a Guest Blogger 529Book 7: Making Money From Your Blog 539Chapter 1: Blog Advertising 101 541Chapter 2: Publishing Advertising 549Chapter 3: Making Money with Affiliate Marketing 575Chapter 4: Publishing Sponsored Posts 589Chapter 5: Monetizing with Social Commerce 603Chapter 6: Selling Ad Space Directly 623Chapter 7: Benefiting from Indirect Monetization Opportunities 633Book 8: Moving Beyond Writing Blog Posts 641Chapter 1: Painting a Picture with Visual Content 643Chapter 2: Reaching Your Audience with Video Content 665Chapter 3: Getting Social with Social Media 683Chapter 4: Creating a Podcast 711Index 727
Amy Lupold Bair is the founder of Resourceful Mommy Media, LLC, and the author of the parenting and lifestyle blog, Resourceful Mommy. She is the author of Blogging For Dummies, 7th Edition.