About the EditorsList of ContributorsPrefaceForeword1 IntroductionAnwer Al-Dulaimi, Octavia A. Dobre, Chih-Lin I2 Enabling technologies and distributed storageSina Rafati Niya, Burkhard Stiller3 Consensus and distributed-transaction systemsHans Walter Behrens, K. Selcuk Candan, Dragan Boscovic4 Security, privacy and trust of distributed ledgers technologySaqib Rasool, Muddesar Iqbal, Shancang Li, Tasos Dagiuklas,Saptarshi Ghosh5 Permissioned BlockchainsZiLiang LAI and Eric LO6 Attestation Infrastructures for Automotive Cybersecurity andVehicular Applications of BlockchainsThomas Hardjono7 Blockchains and Internet of thingsXavier Costa, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Lanfranco Zanzi, Antonio Albanese8 Blockchains for cybersecurity and AI systemsPetar Jevtic, Axel La Salle, Sasa Pesic, Dragan Boscovic, K. Selçuk Candan9 6G Resource Management and Sharing: Blockchain and O-RANHao Xu, Paulo Valente Klaine, Oluwakayode Onireti, Lei Zhang, Chih-Lin I10 Blockchains for Smart Healthcare SystemsDinh C. Nguyen and Pubudu Pathirana11 Blockchain StandardsHui Ding, Xiaofeng Chen, Kyeong Hee Oh, Ismael Arribas, Jörn Erbguth, Alexander Chuburkov, Lisa JY Tan, Xiangjuan Jia
Anwer Al-Dulaimi, PhD, is a Senior Manager of Emerging Technologies and Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at the 5G Center of Excellence, EXFO Inc. in Montreal, Canada. He is the chair of IEEE 5G Innovation Testbed Project, Chair of IEEE 1932.1 Standard, and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer.Octavia A. Dobre, PhD, is a Professor and Research Chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Memorial University, Canada. She is an IEEE Fellow and is the Inaugural Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.Chih-Lin I, PhD, established the Green Communications Research Center of China Mobile, spearheading in her role as the CMCC Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies major initiatives including 5G Key Technologies R&D.