The Woronin body, a fungal organelle regulating multicellularity.- Septum Formation and Cytokinesis in Ascomycete Fungi.- The Cytoskeleton and Polarity Markers during Polarized Growth of Filamentous Fungi.- Developmental Decisions in Aspergillus nidulans.- Biomechanics of Hyphal Growth.- Molecular signalling during the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis.- Calcium cation cycling and signaling pathways in fungi.
Dirk Hoffmeister
Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität, Pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie, Winzerlaer Straße 2,
07745 Jena, Germany
Markus Gressler
Leibniz Institut für Naturstoff‐Forschung und Infektionsbiologie, Hans‐Knöll‐Institut,