"This is a highly unique, highly valuable addition to the bank of medical knowledge that significantly expands the availability of the basic research to the international research community." --Doody
1. Plant microbiome: source for biological active compounds 2. Chemodiversity in natural plant populations as a base for biodiversity conservation 3. Harnessing the Potential of Plant Biodiversity in Health and Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges 4. Biomining Fungal Endophytes from Tropical Plants and Seaweeds for Drug Discovery 5. Biomedicine developments based on marine biodiversity: Present and Future 6. Superbugs, Silver bullets and new Battlefields 7. The benefits of active substances in amphibians and reptiles and the jeopardy of losing those species forever 8. Human genetic diversity in health and disease 9. Potential for cancer treatment: natural products from The Balkans 10. Biodiversity of wild fruits with medicinal potential in Serbia 11. Some Botanicals from the Himalayas with Anticancer Potential 12. Diversity and bioprospect significance of macrofungi in the scrub jungles of southwest India 13. Mushroom and plant extracts as potential intervening supplements in diabetes management 14. Anticancer activities of marine macroalgae: status and future perspectives 15. Insights into the Bioactive Compounds of Endophytic Fungi in Mangroves 16. Essentiality of Mint: Current Understanding and Future Prospects 17. Azadirachta indica: The Medicinal Properties of The Global Problems Solving Tree 18. Advancements in plant transgenomics approach for the biopharmaceutics and vaccines production 19. Secondary Metabolites from Endangered Gentiana, Gentianella, Centaurium, and Swertia species (Gentianaceae): Promising Natural Biotherapeutics 20. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.): health benefits and effects of growing conditions on quality parameters 21. Flavonoids in Cancer Therapy: Current and Future Trends 22. Personalized Biomedicine in Cancer: From Traditional Therapy to Sustainable Healthcare 23. Tumor-Specific Genetic Profiling and Therapy in Biomedicine 24. Vascular and bone marrow explant models to assess in-vitro haematotoxicity of herbal extracts. 25. Nature-inspired synthetic analogues of quorum sensing signaling molecules as novel therapeutics against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections 26. Commodification of Biodiversity: Promises and Pitfalls