"...a carefully reasoned yet impassioned plea to move beyond the constraint of bottom-line thinking..."-Tikkun
"Paula Rayman has issued a passionate plea to restore the full meaning of 'good work,' in all of its psychological, spiritual, and economic aspects. While she is ever-mindful of the plight of working families struggling to make ends meet, her appealing stories demonstrate that there is much more to a job than the paycheck." - Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School, author of Evolve!: Succeeding in the Digital Cultural of Tomorrow
"Paula Rayman wisely counsels that we rise above the bottom line and fight for our families and our lives. This is a thoughful book and it's exactly right for the time." - Robert B. Reich, University Professor of Social and Economic Policy, Brandeis University, and former U.S. Secretary of Labor
"In this wide-ranging analysis, Paula Rayman...situates these questions in relation to a simple truth: work should provide people with dignity.... Rayman has written an important contributation to the ongoing debate about workplace and labor market reform." - Juliet Schor, Senior Lecturer on Women's Studies, Harvard University and author of The Overworked American
"American corporate culture is creating a nation of families who are overworked, stressed out, and in desperate need of time together. Paula Rayman gets to the heart of this dilemma in this valuable book, and delivers a challenge for change." - John Sweeny, President, AFL-CIO
"Enlightened CEO's understand the enormous importance to the bottom of creating a context for work and the work place that accommondates the human needs of every employee. Paula Rayman provides valuable insights for those seeking to better understand those needs, and their significance." - Randall L. Tobias, Chairman Emeritus, Eli Lilly
Paula Rayman is Director of the Radcliffe Public Policy Institute at Harvard University. She is regularly invited to the White House to participate on committes and panels that examine and recommend policy regarding the workplace and family. She is very well connected and experienced with television and radio interviews.