ISBN-13: 9781443818599 / Twarda / 2010 / 230 str.
The field of Cold War studies has recently undergone a cultural turn. Scholars from many disciplines outside – but increasingly also from within – diplomatic history have come to understand that, just as the Cold War was marked by a political and military competition, it was also characterised by a cultural one. As a result, it is now widely accepted that everyday culture was itself infused with political and ideological messages. The Cold War was ubiquitous.In an attempt to comprehend this complexity of the superpower conflict, as well as the way it affected and still affects people’s lives globally, this collection of essays brings together the work of scholars from nine countries and a wide range of academic disciplines. They explore strategies, mechanisms and legacies of the Cold War in areas as diverse as film, propaganda, conspiracy theories, education, music, comic books, architecture, fiction, autobiographical writing and theatre.