ISBN-13: 9781454925217 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 176 str.
Read great works of literature with NO FEAR--and actually understand what they mean
No Fear Literature puts the world's finest books at your fingertips With the complete original text on the left-hand page, and an easy-to-follow translation on the right to guide you, you can fully grasp the meaning and brilliance of each classic.
Although Beowulf is a masterpiece of early English literature, written approximately between 975 and 1025, the unfamiliar dialect makes this epic poem difficult to understand. Thanks to this translation, placed right near the original text, readers can now appreciate the battle of good and evil that unfolds between the wise and heroic Beowulf and his enemies--the monstrous Grendel and a fire-breathing dragon.
Each No Fear guide contains: