'This timely and comprehensive volume deals with a topic that is at the forefront of current trade policy discussions. Behind-the-border policies touch upon such sensitive areas as public health and environmental protection. They play a role in the pursuit of national policy objectives like innovation, provision of infrastructure or development. But many of them also affect trade flows. As such regulations, subsidies and other policies that appear to have a perfectly domestic character, suddenly become the subject of trade tensions. This volume examines behind-the-border policies from different angles and through different methodological lenses. As such it plays a welcome role in shedding light on a truly complex issue that is critical for the sustainability of the multilateral trading system.' Marion Jansen, Director, Division of Market Development, International Trade Centre
1. Moving beyond the border: introduction and overview Joseph Francois and Bernard Hoekman; Part I. Concepts and Measurement: 2. NTMs: data concepts and sources Marie Luise Rau and Achim Vogt; 3. Regulatory bindings, policy uncertainty, and market access in services Peter Egger, Joseph Francois, Bernard Hoekman and Miriam Manchin; Part II. Assessing and Benchmarking Policy: 4. NTMs in the presence of global value chains and their impact on productivity Mahdi Ghodsi and Robert Stehrer; 5. Non-tariff measure estimations in different impact assessments Eddy Bekkers and Hugo Rojas-Romagosa; 6. Gauging procurement policy change during the crisis-era: evidence from the global trade alert Simon J. Evenett and Anirudh Shingal; 7. Preferences, income distribution, and the burden of NTMs Igor Bagayev and Ronald B. Davies; Part III. Dealing With NTMs: Legal and Institutional Contexts: 8. NTM reforms: a practitioner's perspective Fabio Artuso; 9. Good regulatory practices and international trade Robert Basedow; 10. Rules of origin as non-tariff measures: towards greater regulatory convergence Bernard Hoekman and Stefano Inama; 11. Behind-the-border measures and the new generation of trade agreements: TBT and SPS compared Manfred Elsig and Sebastian Klotz; 12. Non-tariff responses to China's development strategy: the WTO's interface challenge Chad Bown; 13. A time for action: the WTO must change to promote regulatory cooperation Thomas J. Bollyky and Petros C. Mavroidis.