Section 1: Concepts of Behavioral Forensic Assessment1. What is Behavioral Forensic Assessment (BFA)? The role of Applied Behavior Analysis in Psychological Evaluation2. The paradigm shift from Traditional Models of Forensic Psychological Assessment to Behavioral Forensic Model
Section 2: Case Studies in Behavioral Forensic Assessment3. Behavioral Predictors of Sexual Proclivity in a Sexual Offender4. Misentitlement of Thrill-Seeking Sexual Assault in Individuals with Unregulated Urges (Motivating Operations)5. Intracontingency Variables in Criminal Responsibility Evaluations6. Risk of Alcohol Recidivism in Evaluating Reinstatement of a Driver's License7. Behavioral Forensic Analysis of Competency-to-Stand Trial in the Evaluation of an Offender Accused of Car-Jacking and Breaking and Entering8. Social Contingencies Potentiating Vandalism and Violence9. Insularity Effects of Self-Reinforcement under Concurrent Variable Interval Punishment Schedules in the Assessment of Repeated Embezzlement10. Cultural Contingencies of Survival Intermingled with Domestic Violence: A case of Evocative Effects of Metaphorical Extension11. Contingencies of Vicarious Conditioning Resembling Munchausen by proxy in the Assessment of Parental Competence12. Intrafamily Contingencies Exposing Contradictory Testimony and Parental Incompetence in Two Parents Vying for Child Custody13. Avoidance/Escape (Operant) Conditioning and Respondent Biophysical Arousal in the Behavioral Forensic Assessment of an Adolescent Arsonist14. Effective Communication of Psychological Evaluation Findings for the Court