PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. The Significance of T. C. Schneirla's Contribution to the Concept of Levels of Integration PART II: PROLOGUE 2. T. C. Schneirla and the Integrity of the Behavioral Sciences 3. Neglected Aspects of the Evolution of American Comparative and Animal Psychology 4. T. C. Schneirla's Impact on Comparative Psychology PART III: EVOLUTIONARY ISSUES 5. Levels of Integration and Organization: A Re-evaluation of the Evolutionary Scale 6. The Beginnings of Life and Behavior 7. Behavior and Evolutionary Progress: Anagenesis, Grades, and Evolutionary Scales 8. Levels of Behavior and Emergent Mechanisms 9. Behavior, Biology and Anthropological Theory PART IV: ISSUES OF ONTOGENY 10. Sudden Changes in Ontogeny and Phylogeny 11. Sensory Perceptual Functioning During Early Infancy: The Implications of a Quantitative Basis for Responding 12. Levels of Communicative Competency in the Chimpanzee: Pre-Representational and Representational 13. Primates' Learning by Levels PART V: ISSUES IN THE STUDY OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 14. Levels of Social Integration in Army-Ant Behavior 15. The Schneirla/Birch Trophallaxis Hypothesis: Reformulation in Relation to Maternal Behavior in the Rat 16. Why Rat Young Respond to the Maternal Pheromone
Gary Greenberg Wichita State University, Ethel Tobach American Museum of Natural History