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Covering all aspects of the Unix operating system and assuming no prior knowledge of Unix, this book begins with the fundamentals and works from the ground up to some of the more advanced programming techniques
The authors provide a wealth of real-world experience with the Unix operating system, delivering actual examples while showing some of the common misconceptions and errors that new users make
Special emphasis is placed on the Apple Mac OS X environment as well as Linux, Solaris, and migrating from Windows to Unix
A unique conversion section of the book details specific advice and instructions for transitioning Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux users
works from the ground up, covering Apple OS X (which is Unix based) as well as the Linux and Solaris operating systems. (
Publishing News, 25th March 2005)
Who Is This Book For?
What Does This Book Cover?
How This Book Is Structured.
What Do You Need to Use This Book?
Source Code.
Chapter 1: Unix Fundamentals.
Chapter 2: First Steps.
Chapter 3: Understanding Users and Groups.
Chapter 4: File System Concepts.
Chapter 5: Customize Your Working Environment.
Chapter 6: Unix Commands In–Depth.
Chapter 7: Editing Files with Vi.
Chapter 8: Advanced Tools.
Chapter 9: Advanced Unix Commands: Sed and AWK.
Chapter 10: Job Control and Process Management.
Chapter 11: Running Programs at Specified Times.
Chapter 12: Security.
Chapter 13: Basic Shell Scripting.
Chapter 14: Advanced Shell Scripting.
Chapter 15: System Logging.
Chapter 16: Unix Networking.
Chapter 17: Perl Programming for Unix Automation.
Chapter 18: Backup Tools.
Chapter 19: Installing Software from Source Code.
Chapter 20: Conversion: Unix for Mac OS Users.
Chapter 21: Conversion: Unix for Windows Users.
Appendix A: Answers.
Appendix B: Useful Unix Web Sites.
Paul Love (Cincinnati, OH), CISSP, CISA, CISM, Security+, has been in the IT field for 15 years. Paul holds a Masters of Science degree in Network Security and a Bachelor s in Information Systems. He has co–authored two Linux security books, contributed to multiple Linux/Unix books, and has been the technical editor for over 10 best selling Linux and Unix books. Paul also ran a successful Linux portal site during the dot com era and has been an avid Unix/Linux user and administrator both professionally and as a hobby for many years.
Joe Merlino (Boston, MA) is an experienced system administrator with Unix and Linux for more than a decade.
Craig Zimmerman (New York, NY) manages UNIX, Macintosh, and Windows systems for Spontaneous, a post–production company in New York City. He previously worked at Chiat/Day helping build the world s most famous virtual advertising agency, managing and networking Unix and Macintosh systems in multiple offices.
Jeremy C. Reed (Marysville, WA) is a programmer, a member of NetBSD, and has actively taught FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD administration classes for the past three years.
Paul Weinstein (Chicago, IL) has worked on various Unix–based computing platforms, from the mainframe (Harris HCX–9) to the desktop (Powerbook G4) and has developed applications on just about all of the current major branches of Unix in the course of the past 10 years. Recently he has been focusing a lot of his attention on developing and integrating Web–based systems using tools such as Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Perl, and in doing so has brought his unique understanding to a wide range of computing environments ranging from public elementary schools to pioneering open source companies. Currently, Paul works as President and Chief Consultant for the computer consulting firm Kepler Solutions, Inc.
David Mercer (Cape Town, South Africa) is a long–time Unix user and PHP programmer who contributed to Beginning PHP4 and Beginning PHP5. He has maintained a keen interest in all things open source ever since he managed to put together a working Beowulf cluster by nicking old computer parts from colleagues and assembling them under his desk.
Beginning Unix
The Unix operating system is the basis for some of today′s most–used platforms, including Mac OS® X and Linux®. This book covers Unix basics for these as well as the more commonly recognized Sun Solaris and BSD.
First, you will learn Unix terminology, core concepts, methodology, and how to log in and out. You′ll progress to customizing your work environment and learning commands. Then you′ll be ready to learn to manage processes, handle security, automate tasks with shell scripting in Perl, install Unix programs, and back up your data. To facilitate the process, you can use the Knoppix distribution on the CD–ROM to work in a Unix environment without installing Unix.
What you will learn from this book
Different configuration options in the Unix shell
Advanced tools and commands, including regular expressions, Sed, and AWK
Fundamental ways to enhance Unix system security
Basic programming, including shell scripting and Perl programming
Network administration and additional aspects of communicating with other operating systems
How to convert Windows and Mac OS commands and concepts to Unix
Who this book is for
This book is for anyone interested in learning the concepts of the Unix operating system in any of its derivatives. It is designed for the absolute beginner, but it can also be a valuable refresher course for those with some knowledge of Unix and a useful resource for those who want to transfer knowledge from Mac OS or Windows to Unix or its derivatives.
Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you through all the techniques involved.
Love, Paul Paul Love (Olathe, KS), MS Network Security, CISSP... więcej >