ISBN-13: 9780367641573 / Angielski
ISBN-13: 9780367641573 / Angielski
This book examines bees in the early modern English and American literary and cultural traditions, exploring the works of Shakespeare, Pastorius, Hopi and Wyandotte cultures, Milton, and Pulter. It argues that the hive plays a central role in shaping conflicts over labor and sovereignty in the early transatlantic world.
This book examines apian imagery—bees, drones, honey, and the hive—in the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century literary and oral traditions. In England and the New World colonies during a critical period of expansion, the metaphor of this communal society faced unprecedented challenges even as it came to emblematize the process of colonization itself. The beehive connected the labor of those marginalized by race, class, gender, or species to larger considerations of sovereignty. This study examines the works of William Shakespeare; Francis Daniel Pastorius; Hopi, Wyandotte, and Pocasset cultures; John Milton; Hester Pulter; and Bernard Mandeville. Its contribution lies in its exploration of the simultaneously recuperative and destructive narratives that place the bee at the nexus of the human, the animal, and the environment. The book argues that bees play a central representational and physical role in shaping conflicts over hierarchies of the early transatlantic world.