One Size Fits All? Transparency in Investment and Commercial Arbitration.- Cross-Border Enforcement of Mediated Settlement Agreements and Potential Impact on the Practice of International Arbitration.- Third-Party Funding in Arbitration: A Case for Mandatory Disclosure?.- Arbitrability of Shareholder Disputes in Bosnian Law.- Intra-EU Arbitral Awards After Achmea: Recognition and Enforcement Within the European Union Under the New York Convention.- Granting and Enforcing Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration in Bosnia and Herzegovina.- EU Directive on Unfair Trading Practices in Business-to-Business Relationships in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain: Dipping a Toe in the Regulatory Waters?.- The Effectiveness of Judicial Enforcement of the EU Consumer Protection Law.- The Democratic Deficit of the EU: Two Schools Under One Roof.- Some Private International Law Aspects of European Economic Migration.
The first issue of the Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law (BYEIL) focuses on international commercial and investment arbitration as one of the fastest developing fields of law in Southeast Europe. Covering a range of topics, the contributions analyze transparency and confidentiality in international commercial and investment arbitration in national, EU and international contexts. In addition, it compares the commercial arbitration laws and rules in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the international developments in this area.
The papers published in the permanent sections on European Law and International Law explore contemporary challenges in public and private law disciplines, offering new perspectives on old concepts.