ISBN-13: 9781495945212 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 248 str.
The study of Shulchan Aruch at times is very challenging in terms of clarifying the final stance of the learned subject. This especially applies in instances that many cases and opinions exist within a given topic. In addition, throughout the generations hundreds of practical questions on the laws in Shulchan Aruch arose. Even amongst the currently available English literature, the opinion of the greatest of the Achronim, the Shulchan Aruch Harav, is many times omitted or not given its proper presence. This Sefer tackles all the above deficiencies. A clear summary of the rulings of Shulchan Aruch Harav, in the order of his Shulchan Aruch, together with hundreds of practical Q&A that were compiled from classical Halachic sources. All this is compiled with an emphasis of the Chabad custom and informative footnotes that lend the reader background information and other opinions voiced on the subject matter. The current Sefer is a thorough summary of the first seven chapters in Shulchan Aruch and chapters 46-47, and covers all the laws relevant to morning conduct. Follows the rulings of the Shulchan Aruch Harav with Chabad Minhagim. Contains a wealth of fascinating footnotes that gives the reader great background knowledge, useful and interesting information, and a glimpse of opinions held by other Poskim, such as the Michaber and Mishneh Berurah. Contains Hundreds of practical Q&A with insights from Chassidus and Kabala It covers questions such as: In what position of the hands did the Rebbe Rayatz state one is to perform Modeh Ani? Is one to cover his Neigal Vasser prior to sleep? May one delay the Bracha of Netilas Yadayim until after Mikveh? How is one to get dressed-up to down or down to up? Must one wash hands after cutting another person's nails? May one enter a dollar bill into the bathroom? May one recite Birchas Hashachar prior to morning? And hundreds more of practical questions that have been compiled from the sea of Poskim all with an emphasis on the opinion of the Alter Rebbe and the aged Chabad custom. Haskamas were assigned to the book by leading Chabad Rabbanim. "