Preface.-1 Introduction.- 2 Bilinear and Quadratic Algebra.- 3 Kneser Neighbors.- 4 Automorphic Forms and Hecke Operators.- 5 Theta Series and Even Unimodular Lattices.- 6 Langlands Parametrization.- 7 A Few Cases of the Arthur–Langlands Conjecture.- 8 Arthur’s Classification for the Classical Z-groups.- 9 Proofs of the Main Theorems.- 10 Applications.- A The Barnes–Wall Lattice and the Siegel Theta Series.- B Quadratic Forms and Neighbors in Odd Dimension.- C Tables.- References.-.Postface- Notation Index.-Terminology Index.
Gaëtan Chenevier is a number theorist and Senior CNRS Researcher at Université Paris-Sud.
Jean Lannes is a topologist and Emeritus Professor at Université Paris Diderot.