CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL SYSTEMS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. System Concept. Basic Definitions. Applications in Biomedical Engineering.
CHAPTER 2: MATHEMATICAL MODELLING REPRESENTATION OF LINEAR SYSTEMS. Continuous Time Linear Systems. The Laplace Transform. Discrete Time Linear Systems. The Z Transform. Continuous and Discrete Transfer Function. Continuous and Discrete Matrix Transfer Function. Block Diagrams. The MATLAB Control System Toolbox. Example Problems and Solutions.
CHAPTER 3: TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE SYSTEMS. Continuous Transient Response Analysis. Systems Identification. Discrete Transient Response Analysis. Sampling and Hold. Mapping from s-plane to z-plane. Continuous and Discrete System Stability. Continuous and Discrete System Stationary Response. Example Problems and Solutions.
CHAPTER 4: CONTROL SYSTEMS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS. Feedback Control Elements. Sensors. Actuators. Controllers. Feedback Control Elements in Biomedical Engineering.
CHAPTER 5: COMPUTATIONAL TOOLS FOR ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF CONTROL SYSTEMS. The Root Locus Analysis of Continuous Systems. Time Delayed Systems. The Root Locus Analysis of Discrete Systems. The MATLAB rltool Toolbox. System Performance Specification. Example Problems and Solutions.
CHAPTER 6: CONTROL SYSTEM DESING. Control System Design by Root Locus Method in MATLAB. PID Continuous Controller. Discretization of Continuous Controller. PID Discrete Controller. Implementation of PID Controller. Tuning of PID Controller. The SIMULINK pidtool Toolbox. Applications in Biomedical Engineering. Example Problems and Solutions.
APPENDIX A: MATLAB Control Toolbox Tutorial
APPENDIX C: SIMULINK Interactive Tutorial
APPENDIX D: MATLAB rltool Toolbox Tutorial
Javier Fernandez de Canete is Full Professor at the Engineering System and Automation Department of the University of Malaga, Spain where he teaches subjects in the area of Biomedical Engineering. His main research guidelines are neural network, neuro-fuzzy and neuro-genetic control systems and stability, software estimation and biomedical system modelling, simulation and control.
Cipriano Galindo is Associate Professor at the Engineering system and Automation Department of the University of Malaga, Spain. His main research interests are on mobile robotics, artificial intelligence, and control systems.
Julio Barbancho is an Associate Professor at the University of Seville, Spain. His main interests focus on computational intelligence, IoT, data analytics and big data applied to industrial applications; and automatic control applied to health
Amalia Luque is an Assistant Professor at the University of Seville, Spain. Her research interests are on control, business intelligence, data mining, industry 4.0.and artificial intelligence.