Invited Paper.- Efficient Automated Reasoning about Sets and Multisets with Cardinality Constraints.- SAT; SMT and QBF.- An SMT Theory of Fixed-Point Arithmetic.- Covered Clauses Are Not Propagation Redundant.- The Resolution of Keller’s Conjecture.- How QBF Expansion Makes Strategy Extraction Hard.- Removing Algebraic Data Types from Constrained Horn Clauses Using Difference Predicates.- Solving bit-vectors with MCSAT: explanations from bits and pieces.- Monadic Decomposition in Integer Linear Arithmetic.- Scalable Algorithms for Abduction via Enumerative Syntax-Guided Synthesis.- Decision Procedures and Combination of Theories.- Deciding the Word Problem for Ground Identities with Commutative and Extensional Symbols.- Combined Covers and Beth Definability.- Deciding Simple Infinity Axiom Sets with one Binary Relation by Means of Superpostulates.- A Decision Procedure for String to Code Point Conversion.- Politeness for The Theory of Algebraic Datatypes.- Superposition.- A Knuth-Bendix-Like Ordering for Orienting Combinator Equations.- A Combinator-Based Superposition Calculus for Higher-Order Logic.- Subsumption Demodulation in First-Order Theorem Proving.- A Comprehensive Framework for Saturation Theorem Proving.- Proof Procedures.- Possible Models Computation and Revision - A Practical Approach.- SGGS Decision Procedures.- Integrating Induction and Coinduction via Closure Operators and Proof Cycles.- Logic-Independent Proof Search in Logical Frameworks (short paper).- Layered Clause Selection for Theory Reasoning (short paper).- Non Classical Logics.- Description Logics with Concrete Domains and General Concept Inclusions Revisited.- A Formally Verified, Optimized Monitor for Metric First-Order Dynamic Logic.- Constructive Hybrid Games.- Formalizing a Seligman-Style Tableau System for Hybrid Logic (short paper).- NP Reasoning in the Monotone µ-Calculus.- Soft subexponentials and multiplexing.- Mechanised Modal Model Theory.