Introduction 1Tommie Forslund and Robbie Duschinsky1 Separation Anxiety 11John Bowlby2 Anxiety, Stress, and Homeostasis 34John Bowlby3 Attachment 46Mary D. Salter Ainsworth4 Love as Attachment: The Integration of Three Behavioral Systems 74Phillip R. Shaver, Cindy Hazan, and Donna Bradshaw5 Relationships, Self, and Individual Adaptation 91L. Alan Sroufe6 Disorganized/Disoriented Infant Behavior in the Strange Situation, Lapses in the Monitoring of Reasoning and Discourse during the Parent's Adult Attachment Interview, and Dissociative States 108M. Main and E. Hesse7 The Prototype Hypothesis and the Origins of Attachment Working Models: Adult Relationships with Parents and Romantic Partners 132Gretchen Owens, Judith A. Crowell, Helen Pan, Dominique Treboux, Elizabeth O'Connor, and Everett Waters8 Dynamics of Romantic Love: Comments, Questions, and Future Directions 144Phillip R. Shaver9 Integrating Temperament and Attachment: The Differential Susceptibility Paradigm 164Marinus H. van IJzendoorn and Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg10 Annual Research Review: Attachment Disorders in Early Childhood: Clinical Presentation, Causes, Correlates, and Treatment 184Charles H. Zeanah and Mary Margaret Gleason11 Attachment Disorders Versus More Common Problems in Looked After and Adopted Children: Comparing Community and Expert Assessments 202Matt Woolgar and Emma Baldock12 Attachment in the Early Life Course: Meta-Analytic Evidence for Its Role in Socioemotional Development 211Ashley M. Groh, R. M. Pasco Fearon, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, and Glenn I. Roisman13 Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up: Addressing the Needs of Infants and Toddlers Exposed to Inadequate or Problematic Caregiving 220Mary Dozier and Kristin Bernard14 Children's Multiple Attachment Relationships and Representations in Different Family Contexts 228Fabien Bacro, Tommie Forslund, and Pehr Granqvist15 New Correlates of Disorganization from a West-African Dataset, and Shared Rhythmic Touch as a Hidden Pathway to Infant Attachment Security 240Mary McMahan TrueIndex 259
TOMMIE FORSLUND, Psychologist, PhD, is a researcher at the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University; and a researcher at SUF Resource Center, Region Uppsala, Sweden. He is a coder of the Strange Situation Procedure, author of an international consensus statement regarding attachment theory and research, and winner of The Society in Emotion and Attachment Studies dissertation award "Excellence in Attachment Research".ROBBIE DUSCHINSKY, PhD, is University Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences in the Primary Care Unit, University of Cambridge; and Director of Studies and a Fellow at Sidney Sussex College. He is the author of Cornerstones of Attachment Research (2020) and, with Kate White, co-editor of Trauma and Loss: Key Texts from the John Bowlby Archive (2019).